Welcome to The Kids From Fame Media Blog

I'm Mark & I've been a Fame fan since the beginning of the TV Series in 1982. This blog is dedicated to the incredibly talented cast of the show who have brought so much comfort and pleasure to my life over the last 40 odd years.

Every week day we post and our Archive can be found on the Kids from Fame Media TV Series Archive Website.
Including Interviews, Episode Information and Videos, Scripts, Merchandise, MP3 Downloads, Reunions, Fan Fiction, Cast and Crew Information.

I hope you have a great time Remembering "Fame"!

To Contact Me Please Send Emails to: mark1814uk@googlemail.com

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Episodes can be watched on the TV Series Archive Website.
and on our Facebook Fame Episode Group.

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Monday 3 June 2024

Merchandise of the Month - Fridge Magnets


No Fame Fridge Magnets were available back in the 80s but now with online sites like Redbubble people can buy and in some cases create their own merchandise.

Redbubble currently have a number of Fame designs from logos to cast pictures in various colours of lots of different types of merchandise.

Ideal if you want Fame all around your home. Redbubble can be quite expensive but at various times are having special offers.

Redbubble can be difficult to search. When you look at one style they show you similar options but sadly I've yet to find a way to see every Fame design in one go. 

Visit Redbubble

The recent Fame U.K. Reunions have also had Fridge magnets as part of the merchandise they had on Sale.

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