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Wednesday, 31 January 2024
Tuesday, 30 January 2024
Italian Original Broadcast Dates - Season 1
001. Metamorphosis 01st January 1983
002. Passing Grade 08th January 1983
003. Tomorrow's Farewell 15th January 1983
004. Alone In the Crowd 22nd January 1983
005. To Soar and Never Falter 29th January 1983
006. The Sell Out 05th February 1983
007. The Strike 12th February 1983
008. Street Kid 19th February 1983
009. But Seriously, Folks 26th February 1983
010. Come One, Come All 05th March 1983
011. The Crazies 12th March 1983
012. Expose 19th March 1983
013. A Musical Bridge 26th March 1983
014. A Big Finish 02nd April 1983
015. Reunions 03rd November 1983
016. A Special Place 10th November 1983
Monday, 29 January 2024
Italian Episode Titles
Metamorphosis Metamorfosi
Passing Grade UN passo avanti
Tomorrow's Farewell Una ragione per alzarsi
Alone in a Crowd Solo
nella folla
To Soar and Never Falter Spiccare
il volo senza paura
The Sellout Musica
sotto costo
The Strike Lo
Street Kid Ragazza
di strada
But Seriously, Folks Ma sul serio, gente...
Come One, Come All Tutti in scena
The Crazies Tutti
Exposé Sensazionale
A Musical Bridge Un
ponte musicale
A Big Finish Gran
Reunions Di
nuovo insieme
A Special Place Un
posto special
And the Winner Is… E il vincitore è...
Your Own Song La tua canzone
Feelings Sentimenti
Class Act Un numero di classe
Teachers Insegnanti
Beginnings Primi passi
Solo Song Un assolo
Winners Vincitori
Words Parole
Childhood's End La fine dell'infanzia
Homecoming Ritorno a casa
A Tough Act to Follow Un personaggio duro da seguire
Relationships Rapporti
Star Quality Una stella di qualità
Sunshine Again Di nuovo il sole
Love Is the Question Il problema è l'amore
Blood, Sweat and Circuits... Sangue, sudore e circuiti
Friendship Day Il giorno dell'amicizia
Not in Kansas Anymore Non più in Kansas
The Kids from "Fame" in Concert Saranno famosi in Concerto - Inghilterra
...Help From My Friends Un aiuto dagli amici
Ending on a High Note Finendo sulla nota alta
U.N. Week Settimana dell'ONU
Gonna Learn How to Fly - Part 1 Imparerò a volare
Gonna Learn How to Fly - Part 2 Imparerò a volare
Hail to the Chief Viva il gran capo
The Kids from "Fame'" in Israel Buon compleanno Israele
Knockout Programma
Rules Regole
Consequences Conseguenze
Breakdance Break Dance
Secrets Segreti
Equals Uguali
"Fame" Looks at Music '83 Saranno famosi in Concerto - Ospite
Appearances Apparenze
Bottle of Blues Una bottiglia piena di tristezza
Lisa's Song La canzone di Lisa
A Way of Winning Un modo di vincere
Stages Il palcoscenico della vita
Sheer Will Forza di volontà
Catch a Falling Star Una stella cadente
A Friend in Need Un amico in difficoltà
The Deal L'accordo
Home Again Di nuovo a casa
Signs Segnali
Heritage Origini
The Home Front Problemi di famiglia
Indian Summer Amori
Czech-Mate La compagna ceca
Spontaneous Combustion Combustione spontanea
I Never Danced for My Father Non ho mai ballato per mio padre
The Heart of Rock 'N' Roll
Blizzard La bufera
The Monster that Devoured Las Vegas Il mostro che divorò Las Vegas
The Return of Doctor Scorpio Il ritorno del Dottor Scorpio
The Ballad of Ray Claxton La ballata di Ray Claxton
Nothing Personal Niente di personale
The Rivalry Rivalità
Dreams Sogni
Tomorrow's Children of the Sixties I ragazzi di domani
The Heart of Rock 'N' Roll II
Take My Wife... Please Si prenda mia moglie... prego
Parent's Week La settimana del genitore
Danny De Bergerac Danny De Bergerac
Team Work Un duo d'eccezione
Coco Returns Chi si rivede!
Wishes Desideri
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? Chi ha paura del lupo cattivo?
Reflections Anoressia
Who Am I, Really? Chi sono io, in realtà?
The Ol' Ball Game Il vecchio gioco della palla
School is Out La scuola è finita
Place to Belong Un posto adatto
a noi
and the Kid Leroy e la
Bob Rides Again Il ritorno di Bronco Bob
Out Vendersi l'anima
Light Luce bianca
Streets Strade
Majesty Donlon Sua maestà
Broadway Danny
Amatullo Broadway Danny Amatullo
Morloch Ebenezer Morloch
Choices Scelte
First Time La prima volta
River to Cross Di là dal fiume
Good Friends Solo buoni amici
Sweet Holmes Holmes caro Holmes
Exposure Sovraesposizione
Inheritance L'eredità
Comedian Il comico
Stagefright Paura
del palcoscenico
Defense Autodifesa
W.S.O.A. W.S.O.A.
Contacts Contatti
Tilt at Windmills Contro i mulini
a vento
It Perdere
la testa
The Incident L'incidente
Back to Something New Si torna al nuovo
The Last Dance L'ultimo ballo
New Faces Facce nuove nella scuola
Judgement Day Il giorno del giudizio
All Talking, All Singing, All Dancing Lo spettacolo dell'anno
Hold the Baby Reggi il pupo
A Different Drummer Tutta un'altra musica
Mr Wacky's World Il mondo di Mr. Wacky
All I Want for Christmas Quello che voglio per Natale
Fame and Fortune Fama e fortuna
Go Softly Into Morning Entra dolcemente nel mattino
Love Kittens Go to High School Le gattine vanno al liceo
The Crimson Blade La lama scarlatta
Pros and Cons Pro e contro
The Big Contract Il grande contratto
Stradi-various Il violino fatato
That Was the Weekend That Was C'era una volta un weekend
Ian's Girl La ragazza di Ian
Best Buddies Amici per la pelle
The Lounge Singer Who Knew Too Much Il cantante che sapeva troppo
Reggie and Rose Reggie e Rose
Of Cabbages and Kings Cenere e diamanti
Alice Doesn't Work Here Anymore Alice non lavora più qui
Baby, Remember My Name Baby, ricordati il mio nome
Rock n Roll Will Stand - Carlo Imperato & Michael Cerveris - Song of the Week
The Lyric "You're Gonna Get A Star On The Walk of Fame" comes from "Rock and Roll Will Stand" from the season 6 episode "New Faces". written by Dave Alwin it is performed by Carlo Imperato and Michael Cerveris.
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There was a little night spot
On the outskirts of town
Where the beer was cheap
And the lights turned down
There was a boy on stage
Who could sing a little bit
Doing his versions
Of everybody's hits
He told himself someday he'd have a
Millions fans
Everybody knows, Rock and Roll will stand.
A Hollywood agent
Finally caught the boy's act
Gave him a contract
And slapped him on the back
"On the dotted line
Please sign your name
You're gonna get a star
On the Walk of Fame
Soon you'll have the biggest record
In the land,
Everybody knows, Rock and Roll will stand!
"We'll clean up your act
Take some more photos
Everybody loves you
The night of the show.
Annie's little baby has grown up
To be a man
Everybody knows, Rock and Roll will stand!
At the Hollywood club
He gave his premier show
Some kids saw it from
The very last row.
The businessman said
"This is where it's at!"
The kids said "Man,
We can do better than that"
They got some guitars
And went out to start a band
Everybody knows, Rock and Roll will stand.
There was a little night spot
On the outskirts of town
Another short drop
On the long way down
There's a Man on stage
Who never knew when to quit
Tellin' everybody
He almost had a hit
But now he's got a day job
Working with his hands
Everybody knows, Rock and Roll will stand.
Everybody knows, Rock and Roll will stand.
Everybody knows, Rock and Roll will stand.
Everybody knows, Rock and Roll will stand.
Everybody knows, Rock and Roll will stand.
Annie's little baby has grown up
To be a man
Everybody knows, Rock and Roll will stand!