Welcome to The Kids From Fame Media Blog

I'm Mark & I've been a Fame fan since the beginning of the TV Series in 1982. This blog is dedicated to the incredibly talented cast of the show who have brought so much comfort and pleasure to my life over the last 40 odd years.

Every week day we post and our Archive can be found on the Kids from Fame Media TV Series Archive Website.
Including Interviews, Episode Information and Videos, Scripts, Merchandise, MP3 Downloads, Reunions, Fan Fiction, Cast and Crew Information.

I hope you have a great time Remembering "Fame"!

To Contact Me Please Send Emails to: mark1814uk@googlemail.com

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Monday 23 December 2019

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! Happy Holiday!
However you Celebrate have a wonderful and peaceful time.
We are taking a break and will return on January 2nd 2020!

Happy Solstice From Nia Peeples

Happy Solstice From Nia Peeples

Remembering Dick Miller

Remembering Dick Miller for his birthday on Christmas day.

Fame Fan Daniela Dietze came up with an idea to give gifts in the Fame cast's names.

Here's what she wrote to Fame U.K. Reunion who posted her idea in their last newsletter:

"I was so blown away by the convention and the casts love and generosity, that I’ve been thinking about sending some love back by sending the Fame cast members a small gift of appreciation - Christmas or Hanukkah is approaching after all. Then I thought, others in our Fame-ly might want to join too.

So here’s the idea:

Rather than spend money on something the Fame cast don’t need; a donation to Claire House in Nia Peeples’, Carlo Imperato’s, Paul Rosenbaum (PR Paul)’s, Valerie Landsburg’s, Cynthia Gibb’s, Lee Curreri’s, Loretta Chandler’s, Jesse Borrego’s, David Greenlee’s, Erica Gimpel‘s and Carol Mayo Jenkins‘ name would (depending on the amount raised) give:

£10 – Towards a meal for a family in Claire House
£15 – Towards an hour of Holistic therapy for a patient at Claire House.
£25 – Towards an Art Therapy session
£50 – A counselling session

When you make a donation here: https://www.clairehouse.org.uk/donate/ and in the field Further information write “Gift in Fame cast’s name”, Claire House will add up those payments and see to it that a certificate is e-mailed to each cast member, that was part of the concert, and also to Carol Mayo Jenkins, Erica Gimpel and David Greenlee who took part through video.

I was thinking it could say something like this” “Thank you for giving your heart and presence to all us Fame fans. Even though we can never repay you for all you’ve given us, we would like to give you a little something in return”

It doesn’t matter if you’re able to give £3 ( the lowest amount you can donate) or £10 or nothing at all, I’d just love to give a joint gift from all of us that both Claire House and the cast members will be able to appreciate."

Yesterday Fame U.K. REunion Facebook Page posted that the gifts had been delivered and thank comments from some of the cast:

Lee Curreri: Wow, that is really touching. Thanks so much!! ðŸ˜˜xx

Carol Mayo Jenkins: This is just my very best Christmas present! Please convey my gratitude to Daniela and all the Fame Fans. Someday I hope to visit Claire House. Jesse told me what a wonderful place it is. Happy Christmas to you, and all good wishes for the New Year!

David Greenlee: That's so thoughtful, thanks to everyone, Daniela in particular. It has been quite a great year, hasn't it? Happy Christmas and a most wonderful New Year to all of you there!

Erica Gimpel: So beautiful! Thank you!
Peace, Erica ☮️💜❄️💜☮️

Valerie Landsburg: So cool, thank you!

Cynthia Gibb: That is so lovely!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

PR Paul: How awesome is that! You are the best!!

Loretta Chandler: Wow! Thank you! Happy holidays! I love it.

Friday 13 December 2019