Welcome to The Kids From Fame Media Blog
I'm Mark & I've been a Fame fan since the beginning of the TV Series in 1982. This blog is dedicated to the incredibly talented cast of the show who have brought so much comfort and pleasure to my life over the last 40 odd years.
Every week day we post and our Archive can be found on the Kids from Fame Media TV Series Archive Website.
Including Interviews, Episode Information and Videos, Scripts, Merchandise, MP3 Downloads, Reunions, Fan Fiction, Cast and Crew Information. I hope you have a great time Remembering "Fame"!
To Contact Me Please Send Emails to: mark1814uk@googlemail.com
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To Contact Me Please Send Emails to: mark1814uk@googlemail.com
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Episodes can be watched on the TV Series Archive Website.
and on our Facebook Fame Episode Group.
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Dutch Trading Cards Part 10
Dutch Trading Cards from 1983.
There are 100 trading cards featuring the Fame cast, although the pictures on some of them are repeated a couple of times but given different numbers. We'll be posting all of them this month in batches of 10. This is part 10.
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Tuesday, 30 July 2013
The Kids From Fame Book 2
The Kids From Fame Book 2 was issued in the Summer 1983 written by Lisa Todd (a pen name of Stephen Gallagher).
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Monday, 29 July 2013
Dutch Trading Cards Part 9
Dutch Trading Cards from 1983.
There are 100 trading cards featuring the Fame cast, although the pictures on some of them are repeated a couple of times but given different numbers. We'll be posting all of them this month in batches of 10. This is part 9.
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Friday, 26 July 2013
Doris Schwartz Time and Again Season 4 Episode 4
My fan fiction story "Doris Schwartz Time and Again" continues with episode Four titled "What Is Yet To Be" which comes from the Season 3 Song "The Best In You and Me".
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Thursday, 25 July 2013
Desdemona Live - Gene Anthony Ray, Carlo Imperato, Erica Gimpel
"Desdemona" comes from the Season 1 episode "The Strike" it is written by Barry Fasman and Steve Sperry.
This is the live version performed by Gene Anthony Ray, Carlo Imperato and Erica Gimpel, which is taken from The Kids From Fame Live" album.
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Dutch Trading Cards Part 8
Dutch Trading Cards from 1983.
There are 100 trading cards featuring the Fame cast, although the pictures on some of them are repeated a couple of times but given different numbers. We'll be posting all of them this month in batches of 10. This is part 8.
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Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Hi Fidelity Live - Debbie Allen

Originally fromt he season 1 epiosde "The Sell Out" and performed by Valerie Landsburg. Debbie Allen sang the song during the first U.K. tour in 1982/1983.
Written by Enid Levine this version comes from "The Kids From Fame Live" album.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Ballad Medley live - Kids from Fame
Linda Clifford Red Light
"Red Light" comes fromt the original Fame Movie and was written by Michael Gore and Dean Pitchford. It was also featured in the season 1 episode "Metamorphosis" and is performed by Linda Clifford.
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Monday, 22 July 2013
Dutch Trading Cards Part 7
Dutch Trading Cards from 1983.
There are 100 trading cards featuring the Fame cast, although the pictures on some of them are repeated a couple of times but given different numbers. We'll be posting all of them this month in batches of 10. This is part 7.
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Friday, 19 July 2013
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Dutch Trading Cards Part 6
Dutch Trading Cards from 1983.
There are 100 trading cards featuring the Fame cast, although the pictures on some of them are repeated a couple of times but given different numbers. We'll be posting all of them this month in batches of 10. This is part 6
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Wednesday, 17 July 2013
The Story Of Judy and Roy - Lee Curreri

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Life Is A Celebration Live - Erica Gimpel and Carlo Imperato
"Life is a Celebration" comes from the season 1 episode "Street Kid".Written by Rick Springfield.
This is the Live version performed from Erica Gimpel and Carlo Imperato, from "The Kids From Fame Live" album.
Valerie Landsburg Thank You Post Card
Valerie Landsburg sent out signed thank you cards in 2002 to people who intially bought her "Grown Up" album.
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Tuesday, 16 July 2013
Friday Night Live - Carlo Imperato
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Lee Curreri Official International Fan club
The Lee Curreri Fan Club was set up in 1983. The Fan Club Wallet came with:
- An Official Membership Scroll
- A Photo Frame with picture of Lee and Space for your own photo!
- A 2 Sided Membership card with picture of Lee on one side
- A Poster
- A Signed Lee Photo.
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Monday, 15 July 2013
Dutch Trading Cards Part 5
Dutch Trading Cards from 1983.
There are 100 trading cards featuring the Fame cast, although the pictures on some of them are repeated a couple of times but given different numbers. We'll be posting all of them this month in batches of 10. This is part 5
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Official Fame Fan Club Membership Pack
With the popularity of "Fame" in the U.K. in 1982, The Official Fame Magazine set up the Fame Fan Club in January 1983. For the price of £3.50 The initial fan club wallet came with 8 black and white photos, a badge, a membership card, a replica call sheet and 4 quarterly newsletters. In addition and additional badge and a special Christmas card was also issued after the fan club was set up. The fan Club ran for just over a year and it closed in March 1984, when the Fame magazine was also closed down.
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Friday, 12 July 2013
Nia Peeples - Virtual Hangout 17th July on Health and Beauty
Nia Peeples next virtual hangout will be on 17th July (at 12 & 6pm PST) and will be on health and beauty. You can submit your questions now via Nia's Facebook page. Click on "Hangout Live" and the "Submit Questions"
"More Than Skin Deep" a new philosophy of beauty. This is our new virtual hangout series! next wed it's all about "lose weight for good!" submit your questions and join us. 22s.com/nia/live
Thursday, 11 July 2013
The Secret - Carlo Imperato

"The Secret" comes from the Season 2 episode "A Tough Act To Follow". Performed by Carlo Imperato it is Written by Barry Fasman and Steve Sperry.
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Dutch Trading Cards Part 4
Dutch Trading Cards from 1983.
There are 100 trading cards featuring the Fame cast, although the pictures on some of them are repeated a couple of times but given different numbers. We'll be posting all of them this month in batches of 10. This is part 4
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Valerie Landsburg Paper Doll
Valerie Landsburg (Doris Schwartz) Paper Doll from 1980's Swedish Magazine. It features a couple of change outfits to change Doris into. Although I'm not sure we ever saw Doris wearing anything like this!
Click the link below for the full page, download them, print them on of high quality paper and you too can play for hours LOL!
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Doris now joins the previously posted dolls for Leroy, Coco and Bruno, which has been update with a 2nd Bruno and a 2nd Leroy Doll and a Loris Singer one from Footloose!.
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Wednesday, 10 July 2013
We Got The Power live - The Kids From Fame
"We Got The Power" written by Barry Fasman and Steve Sperry, comes from the Season 1 episode "Alone In The Crowd".
This is the live version performed by Debbie Allen, Gene Anthony Ray, Erica Gimpel, Carlo Imperato, Lee Curreri and Lori Singer from The Kids from fame Live Album.
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Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Nia Peeples - Celebrity Wife Swap Household Manual
Nia Peeples wrote a household manual for her Celebrity Wife Swap experience. Here's what she had to say about her home, her life and her family:
Welcome to our doublewide trailer in paradise! We believe it takes a village to raise a child and live our lives with an open door policy. I hope that you aren’t a very private person because we live in a very social community! Our family consists of my husband Sam and our two children, Christopher (23) and Sienna (14).
About five years ago our family was faced with a series of challenges: We lost four very close family members in span of a year and a half and on top of that our 5,000 square foot home in Agoura burnt down. In the midst of all this loss, we learned the benefits of simply letting go. While reconstructing our Agoura home we bought a tiny mobile home in Malibu. This process of embracing change was such a blessing that we decided to downsize and live in the trailer full time. We got rid of most of our material belongings -- there was simply no room for it. We have no air conditioner and no heater. It’s a little crowded and we don’t have a large landscaped property but our front yard is the expansive Pacific and our backyard, the magnificent Santa Monica Mountains. These and the time we spend together are our real riches. Last year we even agreed on a no new things policy. We went the entire year without buying anything new.
We are a very active family and love to travel, surf, bike, camp, and climb together. Our doors are always open for friends -- we don’t even have a key to our house -- and family to pop by whether from down the street or half way across the globe and we make sure we have everything we need to keep our guests happy -- including 8 bikes and over 20 surfboards. Our philosophy is that the simple things in life are what bring you the most joy. We spend our time playing, cooking, playing music, reading and writing. This healthy lifestyle permeates every aspect of our lives, especially our diet. We are very aware of the food we put into our bodies.
Sam and I work together around the house but as Mom my technique is to ask everyone to contribute where they feel most effective then I fill in the gaps. We both love to cook -- Sam certainly knows his way around the kitchen. However, most of the handy-man work falls to me, since Sam is no weaverbird.
Sam and I are both writers. In fact Sam was an editor at Surfing magazine when we first met back in 1987. I had just starred in the Hollywood surf movie “North Shore” and Sam contacted my publicist, setting up a phony interview that eventually turned into a date and later a lifestyle. Sam is currently a documentary filmmaker. Along with my role on ABC Family’s Pretty Little Liars I’m currently working on a book and write for my website and CocoEco Magazine.
Though we both work a lot, we make sure to make time to play every day. Sam is a champion surfer and paddler and very fit. He paddles, surfs, rides his bike, lifts weights and jumps rope daily -- and I usually join him.
Sienna (14) is a wonderful young woman; beautiful, witty and very observant. She loves the band One Direction, and specifically Louis. She is very mature for her age and likes the freedom to make her own choices. One thing we definitely need to work on with her is staying on task and creating a schedule that serves her, rather than pushing things off to the last minute. School work can be a struggle, especially when Sam is coaxing her to go down to the beach or on a bike ride, putting her homework off until later. She’s applying for an international school next year and is taking French in preparation. She has to pass her French test in order to make it into the program, so we are trying to keep her motivated toward that goal.
School is a priority but Sam and I both believe that life outside the classroom is just as important. We don’t hesitate to take Sienna out of school to travel with us to Bali, Italy, or Germany or wherever. In fact in April, if my shooting schedule allows, I will be bringing Sienna to Christmas Island to work with Mending Kids International on bringing life saving operations to children.
Christopher is 23 and a gifted singer/songwriter/musician. He doesn’t live at home anymore, but he comes around a lot, mostly for the free food and to do his laundry. Though he lives on his own we are still very close and we speak on the phone up to three times a day.
We are not what you’d characterize as a “pet family.” We tried with an American Lab that we rescued, but the house was too small for him and he was afraid of the other dogs in our neighborhood, so we found him a new home. Sienna and I miss him very much -- we’re even contemplating getting a cat to fill the void.
Sam is stepdad to both my children but has been with them since they were little, and is a very dedicated father. Sam is always looking out for both of them at every turn. He shares 100% of the parental responsibilities for Sienna -- she has always called him “Dad.”
I do most of the cooking around the house, but Sam is always eager to pitch in and is a great cook. When I’m working late it is not uncommon for Sam to have dinner waiting for me when I walk in the door.
We are very conscious of what we put in our bodies and eat as much clean organic, and whole food as possible. We have an organic produce service that drops off everything we need for the week on Fridays. You’ll never see us at a fast food restaurant or drinking soda or any junk food in the house. Sienna and I are on a gluten- and dairy-free regimen, enjoying the creative challenges of coming up with a healthy, delicious menu. This is no political or moral choice -- we just feel better this way.
We gave up our housekeeper -- how would Sienna learn to manage a household if someone was always cleaning for her? None of us are very sloppy but an 1100 square foot home clutters very quickly and I have to keep everyone in line on their chores. We used to have a chore chart but with two other Type-A personalities in the house it was quickly ignored. Sam’s aversion to authority is more than occasionally a source of stress.
Since we split the cooking responsibilities, our general rule is whoever doesn’t cook does the cleanup. Sienna, naturally, resents this, as a typical teenager is prone to do.
Sienna is in charge of the recycling, emptying the dishwasher and sweeping. She is also responsible for keeping her room clean and making her bed. Our success rate in having her actually do her chores is about typical for parents with a teen in the house.
I am up every day at 6am. The first thing I do is prepare lemon water for the family using three lemons and ¾ tablespoon of Stevia in a pitcher of alkaline water. We take our supplements and then drink breakfast shakes that I make using the following: almond milk, almond butter, flaxseeds, banana, apple, red chard, spinach, beet greens, kale, 1 tbsp. organic maple syrup, ice and frozen blueberries. Then I make Sienna’s lunch and snack for school which is normally arugula with a drizzle of organic virgin olive oil, two pumps of liquid amino acids. pepper, shaved parmesan and whatever meat we have left over in the house on top along with a handful of almonds or cashews and some fresh fruit. To drink I’ll send her with a bottle of water with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon of maple syrup.
Sienna will have breakfast while I have coffee or tea and then clean up the kitchen before I drive Sienna to school. On Mondays and Wednesdays we leave at 6:50am and every other day at 7:30am. I will be home by 7:15 or 8am depending on the day and have a kale shake of my own or more tea to start my day.
Every day I try to take a little quiet time to set my intentions and contemplate all I have to be grateful for. I light some candles, listen to the water in my fountain, breathe deeply and still my mind. I then write all I have to be grateful for in my journal. You’ll love the energy in my office. The only thing left to bring into the space is recording equipment so I can begin writing music again. I let all of that go after the fire.
Sam waits until he hears me take Sienna off to school and then he heads down to the water to check the waves and plan his day. Around 8:30am Sam and I will have breakfast. Normally he eats cereal, a protein-fruit smoothie, peanut butter toast, bacon, and orange juice. Don’t try to talk to him while he eats. He’s an avid reader and this, for him, is part of HIS ritual and meditation. After he eats you’ll either find him writing or in the water depending on the tide.
I work out for at least an hour every day. I like to mix it up to keep it interesting. Sometimes I do martial arts or a workout class, but my favorite things to do are going on a hike with friends, paddle, tandem biking, or tandem surfing with Sam. Sam and I love doing things together, especially when it’s outside.
Sienna is out of school at 3pm every day except for Fridays when she is out at 12:35pm. I pick her up and bring her home. Often times we’ll make a pit stop at the beach. My favorite part of this little ritual isn’t so much the exercise as it is the time it gives us to talk. Sienna really opens up and shares what’s happening in her sometimes private little teen life when we walk or run on the beach.
On Fridays, Sienna and I take a Hawaiian dance class together. I grew up hula dancing so it’s a real treat for me to share this with my daughter.
We believe more in self-discipline, which I believe is invaluable. When it comes to raising Sienna, Sam might call me the tough disciplinarian, but I see myself more as a guidance counselor and Sam as the summer camp counselor. While Sam believes going outside to play is always the best choice, even if it means blowing off homework, I believe it’s best for her to keep her long term goals in sight by completing her homework first. Only she can truly measure the value and the cost of those decisions. That being said, we aren’t the best at establishing consequences.
While I don’t do a lot of disciplining, I do A LOT of reminding, which Sienna might call nagging. We’re both stubborn but at least we’re both aware of it. So when things get heated between us we’ve made a pact to stop the spiraling negativity by playing a game of ‘patty cake’ until one of us cracks. It’s impossible not to laugh and always lightens the mood. Whoever is last to drop the issue has to put money in our “bitch jar.”
We thought when we moved into our tiny little trailer that the houseguests would stop but boy, were we ever wrong! People are constantly coming in and out of the house and they tend to stay, regardless of the lack of space. The neighbors are quite used to seeing us pack 11 people onto our golf cart and roll down to the beach. Luckily we have a tent for guests in the back and a bed built over the deep freezer in the laundry room.
Malibu is a very social community and we have lots of family get-togethers. Everyone usually brings a dish and a musical instrument -- Chris loves to perform and sometimes Sam will even sit in with his harmonica. These gatherings, so full of life and laughter, comprise the bulk of our social life. And we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Enjoy your time in paradise!
Body Language Live - Debbie Allen & Gene Anthony Ray
Body Language comes from the season 2 episode "And The Winner Is" and written by Steve Sperry and Barry Fasman.
This is the Live version featuring Debbie Allen and Gene Anthony Ray which comes from "The Kids From Fame Live" album.
Lee Curreri Could We Be Magic Like You Live
"Could We Be Magic Like You" comes from the Season 1 episode "The Sell Out" Written by Lee Curreri.
This is the Live solo version.
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