Welcome to The Kids From Fame Media Blog

I'm Mark & I've been a Fame fan since the beginning of the TV Series in 1982. This blog is dedicated to the incredibly talented cast of the show who have brought so much comfort and pleasure to my life over the last 40 odd years.

Every week day we post and our Archive can be found on the Kids from Fame Media TV Series Archive Website.
Including Interviews, Episode Information and Videos, Scripts, Merchandise, MP3 Downloads, Reunions, Fan Fiction, Cast and Crew Information.

I hope you have a great time Remembering "Fame"!

To Contact Me Please Send Emails to: mark1814uk@googlemail.com

Any problems downloading Please read:
Instructions To Download MP3s & Videos

Episodes can be watched on the TV Series Archive Website.
and on our Facebook Fame Episode Group.

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Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Doris Schwartz Time & Again Season 2 Episode 2

Season 2 of Doris Schwartz Time and Again continues with Episode 2, titled, "Are You Real or Just a Dream". The title comes from the song "Shadows and Light".

Read Story

Fame Movie Site Now Open

To conclude this month Celebrating the Original"Fame" movie a new website is now open.
For all things connected to the movie that have been posted this month and previously on the blog, click the link below: https://sites.google.com/site/famethe1980movieremembermyname/home

Many of the pages from the Fame press book have been used to create the site.

Carrie The Musical Entainment Tonight Report

Brief report from Entertainment Tonight on Carrie the Musical, which featured Gene Anthony Ray, with choreography by Debbie Allen.

Monday, 30 May 2011

Lee Curreri USA Today Interview 2009

With the release of the remake Fame movie in 2009 Usa Today caught up with the original movie cast.

Click to read the interview with Lee Curreri:

Friday, 27 May 2011

Monday, 23 May 2011

Nia Peeples Fitness Tips 4 to 6

As part of Nia Peeples' fitness challenge for 2011 here are parts 4 to 6 of the Elements of life fitness tips with Mr G.

For More Information go to:


Thursday, 19 May 2011

Debbie Allen in Battle Of The Network Stars.

Debbie Allen joins fellow stars on NBC in 1982 for a tug of war against the CBS stars.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Irene Cara Countdown Interview

Irene Cara Interview from 1980 from Australian TV show "Countdown".

Doris Schwartz Time & Again Season 2 Episode 1

Season Two of my fan fiction story Doris Schwartz Time and Again starts today.

The first episode is called "Feel it Begin" (Which is a line from "Tomorrow Morning")

Monday, 16 May 2011

Gene Anthony Ray USA Today Article 2009

With the release of the remake Fame movie in 2009 Usa Today caught up with the original movie cast.

To read the article about Gene Anthony Ray Click the link below:

Happy Birthday Janet Jackson!

Happy 45th Birthday Janet Jackson!


In honor of Janet Jackson’s birthday, fans online are joining her in supporting amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research.

In 1989, Janet Jackson released “Rhythm Nation 1814,” an album thematically dedicated to bringing people of all cultures of the world together, with a focus on improving education and ending prejudice. Believing there is power in numbers, she rallied her listeners on the eponymous single, “It’s time to give a damn, let’s work together.”

As Janet travels the world this spring in support of her Number Ones: Greatest Hits Tour, her fans are returning to that Rhythm Nation pledge.

In honor of Janet’s birthday on May 16, fans will work together by giving $18.14 to amfAR, the Foundation for AIDS Research. One of Janet’s online fan communities, janetxone, is spearheading this effort by organizing an online drive for donations. By contributing a symbolic $18.14 -- or any amount they are able to give -- Janet's fans are speaking loud and clear: “Thank you, amfAR, for your unyielding efforts in finding a cure.”

By honoring both Janet’s dedication to helping the organization in its fight against AIDS and the leadership role that amfAR has taken for 25 Years in tackling the global epidemic, Janet’s fans hope to encourage others to do give in any way they can.

For more information, contact Michael Foley at mikel1814@janet-xone.com.

WEBSITE: www.janet-xone.com

RELEVANT LINK: http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/janets-birthday/amfar-the-foundation-for-aids-research

Friday, 13 May 2011

Paul McCrane USA Today 2009 Interview

With the release of the remake Fame movie in 2009 Usa Today caught up with the original movie cast.

Click to read the interview with Paul McCrane:

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Fame Downtempo Cover by Eldissa

Interesting down temp cover version of the Fame theme performed by Eldissa.

To download the MP3 click the link below:

Friday, 6 May 2011

Irene Cara USA Today Interview 2009

With the release of the remake Fame movie in 2009 Usa Today caught up with the original movie cast.

Click below to read the Interview with Irene Cara:

Is It Okay To Call You Mine

A cover version of "Is It Okay To Call You Mine" perfomed by Jolina Magdangal. It's really interesting to here this song performed by a woman.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Debbie Allen on Carrie The Musical

Debbie Allen discusses her role as choreographer for the Musical Carrie.

To read the article click the link below:

Nia Peeples Fitness Tips 1 to 3

As part of Nia Peeples' fitness challenge for 2011 here are her first 3 Elements of life fitness tips with Mr G.

For More Information go to:

Monday, 2 May 2011

Fame News!

Welcome to another busy month on Kids From Fame Media, with lots of interviews, music and great posts to come.

This month is Fame Movie month, with a number of posts celebrating the original 1980 movie culminating in the launch of my Movie site at the end of the month.

Also this month sees the return of my fan fiction story "Doris Schwartz Time and Again". Season 2 starts with it's first story on May 17th.

Talking of my fan fiction, the results of our poll are in. With 100 votes 87% of you wanted Doris to try and prevent Nicole from dying. So I'm busy writing that in to the series. Be warned there will be consequences!

The Episode of the Month is the Mrs Berg story "Alice Doesn't Work Here Anymore" from season 6 and post for that start on Thursday 5th.

Have A Great Month!

Cynthia Gibb

Cynthia Gibb article from the Westport Blog on the importance of the Arts in her life.