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Thursday 14 March 2024

Lou Mackie Character of the Month


We first meet Lou Mackie in "I Never Danced For My Father" as the Kids start performing at Lou's Lanes bowling alley. Initially Lou is seen as tight with money. He allows the kids to perform because they will work for free. Also, he's a bit sleazy allowing Danny and Jesse to perform if Doris goes on a date with him.   Over time, although fundamentally appearing as being cheap we also see him as pretty generous, giving work and bonuses particularly to Chris and Leroy when they are struggling for money. He also funded the musical "Shinning Lights" in "All Talking, All Singing, All Dancing", when it looked like the show would be cancelled.


We see the Kids adopting Lou's Lanes and they regular hangout and Lou is often dishing out advice for their various problems. In "White Light" Lou starts Dating Danny's Mother after she has separated from his father.  Danny isn't very happy about the new relationship.


In "The Big Contract" we discover that back in 1955 Lou was also a talented singer and could have been a star but when he refused to sign a contract organised by his brother Duke, the people Duke was working with had Lou blacklisted. The issue caused a 30 year rift between the brothers.


In "Ian's Girl" Lou wants to give something back and stands for the President of the Bowling association. With a little work and coaching from the kids he wins the election.


In "That Was The Weekend That Was", we discover that Lou has been part of society called the Muskrats for 25 years. He is hosting an event for the society and as host he has to initiate a new member and he chooses Leroy.

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