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Thursday 1 February 2024

Fame News February 2024


In February Kids From Fame Media posts will be Celebrating:

Episode of the Month: Savage Streets from Season 5
Song of the Month: Dare To Dream
Cast Member of the Month: Olivia Barash 
Character of the Month:  Maxie Sharp
Magazine of the Month: My Guy
Country of the Month: (We continue Celebrating) Italy
Merchandise of the Month: DVDs Part 2
Connections of the Month: Knots Landing  

Last Month PR Paul made a statement about his health:
"January 9th, 2024, I had the privilege to ring THE bell at NY Presbyterian Columbia University Herbert Irving Cancer Center.

I have not been public about my condition but those who are in our orbit know that I have been going through chemotherapy treatments for #CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia), a form of blood cancer, since August 2023.

It has been a challenging journey, to say the least. I had to be admitted to the hospital for my first infusion in August, due to the intensity of the infusion drug, which cause terrible reactions and side effects. Joy told me 8 medical staff members rushed in after she called for help. They had to stop the drip and allow my body to rest and I was in the hospital for 5 days.

I had my last infusion of #Obinutuzumab yesterday. I still have to take #Venclexta, an oral chemo pill for the next 9 months.

Through it all, I was deeply grateful for every moment Joy & I had: shared meals with friends (especially the meals our friends delivered to us), went to some outdoor concerts, even though we had to cancel indoor ones, attended small intimate parties, and even attended the Italian Film Festival #CapriHollywood2023 in Sorrento, Capri and Napoli with Barbara & Bobby Moresco and met some new wonderful friends.

I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have an incredible medical team behind me: my doctor, Dr. Nicole Lamanna, and her possé at Columbia Presbyterian, Christina Russomanno, Annie Murphy, and all the wonderful nurses who took care of me on the 14th floor, were beyond phenomenal. You all rock and bring tears to my eyes when I think of how caring and attentive you have all been to me.

Last, but not least, my wife, @Joy Rosenbaum, who is not only with me all the way but is always one step ahead, I am at a loss for words - there aren’t any that can fully express my love and gratitude for you. I truly am the most blessed man in the universe.

I was told I would start to feel like myself in the spring. I love life and all the ups and downs it brings. My attitude has always been to look at the blessings I have versus what I don’t have and the challenges I have to face.

Joy and I send our love to all of you – our gang in Fire Island, our friends and family in NYC, California, Canada, the UK, Ireland, Morocco, Italy, The Fame Family, our Uncle Danny, Auntie Mira, Justin, Aira & Enzo, the Moresco, Quattrocchi, Rubenstein & Law family- you all rock!!

A special thank you to Jay Lewis and Lori Ahrenstein - my comrades in arms - we will fight the fight together!

Please forgive me if I left anybody out - it doesn’t mean I don’t love you (far from it!) It’s, it’s, it’s…wait for it………’s Chemo brain!!!"

Janet Jackson will tour again this Summer in North America.

Michael Cerveris' band Loose cattle will perform at the Linda Performing arts Center in Albany on March 15th at 8.00pm.

Nia Peeples took time to meet up with fans whilst she was in Italy for the Invictus charity concert.  If anyone has any pictures or footage of the concert, they are willing to send to us, we'd love to be able to share them.

Fame UK Reunion have reduced the last few 2024 calendars by 10% to £9.00 plus postage.  Get them while they last.

Last month Carol Mayo Jenkins, looked fabulous as she spoke at a ceremony at the Carousel Theatre at the University of Tennessee. The theatre was closing after 73 years to be knocked down and a new state of the art theatre take its place.
As the "Ghost Light" was about to be switched off Carol spoke emotionally about the significance of ghost lights to theater people.

 “We theater people are a fanciful lot,” she said. “We attribute spiritual meaning to our ghost lights.” Jenkins said some think the lights ward off mischievous spirits, while others believe they light the way for the ghosts, who are believed to inhabit every theater. Some even say the lights provide opportunities for the ghosts to perform onstage when no one is watching, thus appeasing them and preventing them from cursing the theater.

 “I prefer to think of them as benevolent sentinels,” Jenkins said, “guarding this precious space, protecting all the work, the creativity, the passion that has been unleashed in these walls.” 

Have a great month,


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