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Wednesday 14 June 2023

Coco Hernandez Character of the Month


Coco Hernandez is a very talented half Puerto Rican, determined, hard working young woman. A triple threat who is strong willed and focused. She is confident and believes strongly in herself, she frequently pesters others to help her achieve her dreams of becoming a star, particularly Bruno who she wants to be part of her band or for him to accompany her at auditions.

She has a strong belief in astrology to the point that if she doesn't feel the stars are aligned then she can't achieve good work. We see in "The Sell Out" that she has a problem with Julie because she is the wrong star sign.

Sometimes he dedication can become like an obsession and create problems. In "Childhood's End" we discover that she is very close to he grandmother who is dying. However, Coco doesn't let that affect her performance, in fact on the day he grandmother does die Coco gives a fantastic performance but afterwards she worries what the school is turning her into. 

In "Winners" Coco realises that talent and sheer will don't always mean she will get the part. She also realises that sometimes she needs to be honest about the mistakes she's made.  

In "Break dance" she decides to leave the School and go on the road performing with Company  of Pirates. She discusses the idea with Leroy and confides in Bruno but doesn't tell anyone else. Instead she opts to send letters explaining her decision.

A year later she re enrolls in the school in "Coco Returns". She'd had a bad experience and lost her confidence and do Returns to a place that is familiar and comforting but she clashes with a Famous director. In the end she realises that hiding in the School won't achieve anything.

She Returns one final time in "Baby Remember My Name" and spoke about what her time at the school had taught her: "This school taught me something important. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. I mean, a truly valuable success, it doesn't happen overnight. It's based on a foundation of technique and hard work. Y'know, becoming a star isn't really important to me anymore. Becoming a great artist... that's what counts."  

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