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Tuesday 18 April 2023

Bruno Martelli - Character of the Month


Bruno Martelli is a talented keyboard playing composer. Frustrated by what he considers to be outdated ways of creating and playing music, Bruno is all about the technology, particularly synthesizers.  This causes him to clash frequently with his beloved music teacher Mr Shorofsky.

Bruno's Mother had died leaving him to be brought up by his Father Angelo. The pair often fight but their love for each other is apparent. 

Bruno spends hours locked away in his basement writing and creating music. However, he isn't really into performing and doesn't like sharing his music until it's triple perfect. In "Alone in the Crowd" he is so nervous to perform just in front of his class mates but Shorofsky helps him overcome this.

Despite preferring to be alone with his music Bruno is popular and friends like Coco and Doris are always going to him, Coco to help her perform, she knows a good writer and musician when she sees it and Doris to discuss emotional problems. 

Bruno is unlucky in love in "To Soar and Never Falter" he falls for Kathy Murphy, a beautiful dancer with multiple sclerosis. In "Relationship" he falls for an much older woman and in "Rules" he falls for a student teacher.   All of which lead to problems and none to true love.

In "And The Winner Is" Bruno writes a music which the School chooses to perform and Bruno is brought in to help cast it, but he finds judging his friends very difficult. When he realises that the character is actually based on himself so casts himself, although we soon discover that although he's a talented writer he's not an actor, which leads him to asking Doris to teach him how to act. This brings out feelings of unrequited love from Doris to Bruno but her feelings are never spoken.  

In "Gonna Learn How To Fly" Bruno's father has a heart attack and dies suddenly, leaving behind large debts. With no other choice Bruno decides to quit school and get a job, to help provide for himself and pay off his fathers debts. With help from Shorofsky he gets a job as a waiter in a CafĂ© bar called Caruso's, which gives him the opportunity to play and create music in the day time and wait tables at night. Although his boss Mr Caruso doesn't always appreciate the style of music that Bruno and his friends play. 

In Season 4 Bruno is gone although we never actually find out where he went to. He does return to catch up with his friends and teachers in "Baby Remember  My Name" but we still don't find out what he's been up to.


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