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Thursday 24 February 2022

Michael Cerveris on the Fame cast Trivia of the week


A celebration of the women of Fame

For an 80s tv show, there were a significant number of women in positions of power on the show, among the producers, writers, crew and cast. Not enough, and not (I'm sure) with complete parity, but enough to be remarkable in those days. And speaking of remarkable, this group of women I happily take a fitting back seat to in these photos today (albeit dressed in my best Prince attire). These women, among their many other accomplishments, became role models and inspirations for thousands of girls around the world, who were able to see themselves in these characters with their hopes, strengths and vulnerabilities. And in the paths they've taken since, they've continued to inspire people across continents, genders, races and sexualities through performing, teaching, raising children and advocating for the importance of the arts.
By the time I came on the show (in its final season), many of these powerhouse ladies had already moved on to other successes. But for the final episode, the OGs all came back and showed graciousness and generosity to all us latecomers who had been keeping the dreams alive that they had begun.

Valerie Landsburg
was already producing, directing, making music and raising a family. She adopted me (it might have been our shared propensity to dress in black) and became one of my best friends in LA. You could not have a more fierce advocate than Val, then or now.

Erica Gimpel
was another centerpiece of the series from the start. She was as kind as she was talented, elegant and exciting to be around.

Cynthia Gibb
was the sweetest person, a woman whose crush worthiness at first might predispose you to overlook her talent and drive. But that'd be a mistake. One of those people who lit up every room she walked into.
Debbie Allen
Debbie Allen Debbie Allen
quintuple threat Dancer/Singer/Actor/Choreographer/Director and then some. There's a reason you think of her when you think of Fame.
and then the ladies who I was lucky to share the whole season with, and who I admired so much then and appreciate even more now:

Virenia Peeples
who I always felt shy around. Partly because of her natural talent combined with her natural loveliness, but also because of some earth deep wisdom she seemed to possess that appeared to see through your weak defenses to what you really felt and who you might be.

I was so lucky to have Elisa as my fellow freshman, both of us learning the ropes together from day one. Her midwest girl next door sweetness was genuine as can be, but her seriousness and hard work ethic were just as profound. I always thought her character was a great way for a lot of young viewers to find a way from their small towns into this urban free for all that could open their eyes and expand their minds to the value of other kinds of people and ways of being that they would never see in their hometowns.

whose infectious laugh and twinkling spirit combined with a soulful voice and a deep well of empathy inside her ever upbeat approach to life. I always thought there were a lot of young viewers seeing themselves in her character's struggles between a traditional upbringing and an eye opening new world.
arrived part way through the season to add some more edgy pizzazz to the proceedings. We became friends over our shared punk rock leanings, and she gave me the high honor of bringing me with her when she was being interviewed on KROQ one night, and introducing me to the one and only
Rodney on the Rock

Also pictured (with a feminine charm of their own):
Robert Romanus
my first Fast Times At Ridgemont High brush with greatness, who brought a manic sensibility and sly wit to the set on screen and off
who I admired so thoroughly (and still do) as an actor, performer, and person. He always had a seemingly unflappable ease and cool swagger that I aspired to and knew I'd never have. But deeper than that, an ability to immerse himself in his work and to give himself over to music, especially, that I connected with and really admired. I loved our scenes together and was like a sponge watching and learning from him everyday. He was my closest male friend on the show, and was happy he let me repay a bit of that debt by giving him a roof when he was between homes for a while. Ian and Jesse never got to be roommates (though that would have been another great spin offf), but I'm so Michael and Jesse got to be. And I'm even happier we've reconnected lately through these posts. And that I got to see his great new film Phoenix, Oregon streaming last week.
Facebook, for all its evils, occasionally has its uses

and then, of course, there was Carrie
She adopted Elisa and me on our very first day, a dance rehearsal in NYC where we started the season with a couple weeks of location shooting. I couldn't have been more daunted--especially since I'd had no dance component to my audition and was told Ian wouldn't really ever dance (which I pretty much proved in every dance number that season). By the time we left NY for LA, we were inseparable and it was through Carrie that I learned LA and made most of the real friends I have out there to this day. She remains one of the most multi talented, brilliant, creative and boundless people I've ever known. We played music together, had a development deal for a spin-off series, spent hours laughing, working and seeing music together. Our characters' symbiotic friendship, mutual admiration and support and unspoken affection for each other was the easiest piece of non acting there could be. I regret that we weren't more in touch after I left LA, and I miss her to this day. Her sisters and mom have meant a lot to me ever since.

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