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Tuesday 2 July 2019

Fame Family Experience Welcom Party 4th May 2019

The Fame Family Experience started at 7.30pm at the Holiday Inn Liverpool with the Welcome Party.

For me one of the greatest aspects of the Fame fandom is meeting other fans in person. Everyone coming together to Celebrate our love of this wonderful show and it’s cast. This was my reasoning behind putting on the Convention.

As I greeted people at the entrance and they collected their wrist bands it was obvious that everyone was in the mood to Party and we’d got a great party planned.

The Amazing Tom Urie was our DJ and Host. I’ve known Tom for best part of 20 years as an online Friend but we live in completely different parts of the Country and we’d never met in person.

As soon as we announced there was going to be a Reunion Tom contacted me and wanted to be involved. Originally I’d booked a DJ provided by the Hotel but it seemed more appropriate for a fan to be involved. I knew Tom was an actor a singer and a musician but had only recently discovered he was a DJ too.

We met for the first time in person earlier that day. He was sharing a flat with us but as soon as he arrived it was straight to the concert venue to introduce him to Loretta so they could have a little rehearsal time for the duet. Then it was a mad rush to the Hotel to set up.

As we sorted out the balloons and photos for the tables Tom set up his keyboard started to play. He sang “I Was Only Trying To Help” and I was blown away, with tears welling up in my eyes at how good he was. He was only using the song as a warm up but I asked him to perform it on the night too as it sounded so good.   


Tom obliged and sung “The Show Must Go On To” and the fans loved him. Literally from the start people were up dancing and having a great time.
Tom also encouraged people to come up and sing as he played keyboards. It was wonderful. No one had rehearsed but everyone sounded so good. I was simply amazed by this talented bunch of fans. I’d been hesitant about adding a karaoke part to the party but wish I’d advertised it so that more people could have taken part.

Our special guest was Loretta Chandler who sang her favourite song from the show “Easy to Believe” as a duet with Tom and again it was wonderful. Tom and Loretta have actually talked about recording the song as a duet so watch this space as we’ll let you know if it goes ahead.  Loretta finished her performance with “Fame”. Much to my surprised she pulled up fan Brian Mattocks from the audience to sing with her. I’ve been friends with Brian for years and I knew that would be a very special moment for him. It was such fun to watch.

Our Italian friend Stefano Mendogni arrived. He’d previously asked me if he could say something about our friend Fabrizio Sabbatini who had been battling ill health but was so looking forward to attending the Reunion but sadly passed away.  We had photos of Fabrizio on every table as we wanted him with us. Stefano made a speech and then he and Loretta sang Starmarker, with the fans in tribute to Fabrizio. It was a very touching moment.

The buffet food was great and some fans; Like Steve Parkes, Evelyn Harper and Caroline Smith dressed up for the best dressed competition. They were all so good that we declared them joint winners.

 I felt so many emotions that night but most of all pride that the fans were having such a good time. The dancing and partying continued and people posed for photos in front of the magic mirror.

So many people have spoken to me or messaged me to say what a fantastic time they had that night and what a wonderful start to the Reunion it was. Some have even said it was the best part of the weekend for them.

I want to thank the fantastic Tom Urie and Loretta Chandler for sharing their amazing talent with us. Stefano Mendogni for is wonderful words. Michael my Rock and to all the fans who embraced the event with such passion.
Thank you all xxx   

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