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Wednesday 27 February 2019

LAst Chance to Submit Questions for Carol Mayo Jenkins

LAST CHANCE to submit your questions for Carol Mayo Jenkins!

On March 1st all the questions submitted will be sent to Carol ready for her to start recording her answers. If you want your questions answers then you've got until Midnight (GMT) on February 28th to submit them.

Carol who played Miss Sherwood on "Fame" for 5 seasons is sadly unable to be in the U.K. with us but wanted to be involved with Fame U.K. Reunion so we have an Exclusive Q&A event planned.

You can submit your questions now on this post. You can ask as many questions as you like. They will then be sent to Carol to choose the best ones. Carol's Q&A film will be shown during the Convention Events Day on Sunday 5th May 2019.

Carol is really happy that it will be the fans who will be submitting the questions.

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