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Monday 4 July 2016

Fame News!

We are back! So much seems to have happened in the World in the last few weeks with Mass Shootings, Terrorist Attacks, Floods and the British vote to leave the E.U. So Kids From Fame Media is back to bring a daily dose of Fame back in to our lives.

This month is Magazine month and we'll be posting a selection of Magazine interviews and articles on the show and the cast.

The episode of the month is "A Different Drummer" from Season 6 and posts start for that on July 18th.

Janet Jackson featured in her first Magazine Interview in years on the cover of last month's Emirates Woman. Full Interview will be posted later in the Month. Janet also posted a tribute video to the victims of the Orlando shooting
with her song "Shoulda Known Better".

Other cast members made statements about Orlando too:

Debbie Allen said: "When will we step up as a Nation and get assault weapons off the streets? I weep. ‪#‎prayfororlando"

Carol Mayo Jenkins added:  "I weep with you, Debbie. Will we ever learn?"


Michael Cerveris said:
"Like most of our theater colleagues on Sunday afternoon we were getting the news from Orlando as we went to work. We decided it was important to say something to the people who had come to be with us that day, and the task fell to me.
Our show has always felt vital and necessary. Every night at the autograph line, we have long conversations with people who are finding comfort, new understanding of themselves and others, compassion for people they had thought of as different,... solidarity from people they thought would never accept them, and simple humanity that seems in short supply these days.
With sincere admiration and respect for the many meaningful gifts of all the shows performing these days, I can not imagine a story I could feel more desperately important to tell tonight, a communion with a room of strangers that I could look more forward to, or a more humble and selfless company, dedicated to serving the audience and community than I will find at Fun Home this evening, and for as many days as we are graced with the opportunity to play it.  For those who asked, this is our curtain speech from Sunday afternoon"

Nia Peeples said:

"Sending ‪#‎peace‬ and ‪#‎love‬ to everyone affected in orlando‪#‎prayfororlando"

While doing one of my regular Internet searches I discovered a book titled "Fame, Baby and Inspiration" by Derek Meyer.  The information about the book says:

"Fame – How could we forget it`s name? Its high-voltage music and high-energy dance first hit our screens in 1982. At the New York School of the Performing Arts music, dance and drama were on the curriculum and the TV series had a massive impact on its actors’ and viewers’ life. Derek Meyer`s life was one of them.

Gene Anthony Ray and his co-stars from Fame inspired the farmer`s son Derek to believe in himself and work and fight for his dreams and even follow his idol to New York City years later, where he gets close to him.

The story accompanies Derek on his emotional journey and shows how inspiration enables him to grow and empower himself as the greatest challenge of his life is waiting for him.

“Fame, Baby & Inspiration” is not just a book for the fans of “Fame” but also for anybody who adores life."

The book can be purchased from

Has anyone else read this? if so let us know what you thought. I shall be adding it to my Christmas list! We found the Introduction page online so will post that later in the month.

Have a great Month,


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