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Tuesday 2 February 2016

Fame Reunion Diaries Part 10 The Aftermath

After 3 hours sleep it was soon time to get up, have breakfast, meet up with Derek and Diego to drive to Milan Airport to make our way back to London.  On the way Derek told me about what happened at the after show after we'd left. The cast had stayed and a couple of the fans including him and Penny got up and sang to the cast.

It sounded great and I  wished I'd stayed but knew we had a long day ahead of us travelling and needed some sleep. I was also aware that the cast were meeting up that day with some fans for a meal before they made their way back to America or in Nia's case travel around Italy for a week or in Valerie's case travel on to Paris.

Again I wished I could have been at this meal and got a chance to say a proper goodbye to the cast but I hadn't known about it and we needed to get back to England as we had a funeral to go to in a few days time.

The flight home was uneventful although there were beautiful views from the plane over the Alps and even Michael dared to look out of the plane window. We were staying the night in a hotel in London, before taking the long train home the next day. The original plan was to do some sightseeing when we arrived in London.  However we felt incredibly tired and just stayed in the hotel and had an early night.

I also felt very emotional and in the early hours of the next morning I sat and cried. Part of it was that I was sad that the adventure was all over. I was sad to be leaving new friends whom I'd shared this crazy few days with, not knowing if we'd ever meet again. Part of it was still being tired and part of it was I was now back to reality had to deal with the funeral of my father in law. 

It had been a rollercoaster of a few days. So much had happened in such a short space of time. While it was happening I just went with the flow and took it all in my stride. Now I was able to take a step back and to start to process what had happened. All those dreams of meeting the cast and going to a concert again after all these years, they had finally come true.  I was over the moon about that but it also felt like a double edged sword. I almost felt empty. What happens now? Where do I go from here? What new dreams are there to reach for when you'd done far more than you ever imagined you could possibly do? At that point in time I didn't know the answers to any of these questions and all I could do was let the emotion wash over me. 

To be continued...


  1. Think you need to get them to come to the UK for a concert :)
