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Tuesday 26 January 2016

Fame Reunion Diaries - Part 8 The Concert

As the time of the show approached we joined the people going into the theatre and took our seats ready for the show.  It was simply wonderful being in a room filled with like minded individuals who all loved Fame. Yes I'd done it (and on a much bigger scale) back in 1983 but after all these years this felt so special. I get tingles down my spine just thinking about it now as I write. Something magical was about to happen.

There was a little confusion about some of the seats and the firemen came round to inspect safety so this led to the show starting a little late but soon, after an introductory speech from Stefano, his father and the Mayor the lights had dimmed and the concert was starting.

A unique special night where Fame fans and cast members came back together like a huge family reunion.

Remembering and Celebrating what was past and who we were as people back in the 80s when the show meant so much to us.

Acknowledging who we are today and the wonderful journeys that being part of the Fame family has taken us on.

Remembering those that we've lost along the way and we miss, both cast members and family members who were there when Fame was at it's height.

With thoughts of the other friends and fans around the World who couldn't be there that night.  

Hoping for a brighter future where peace and love flow around the World in abundance.

We laughed, we cried, we sang, we danced, we hugged, we felt part of something really special, something that will live with us for the rest of our lives. 

Is Fame Gonna live Forever?

You bet, in the hearts and minds of those of us of who believe that dreams really do come true!

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