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Friday 22 January 2016

Fame Reunion Diaries - Part 6 - Saturday Rehearsals

The next morning we really needed to stay in bed to catch up on some sleep but were also aware that we hadn't eaten properly for about 36 hours so we were torn between sleep or food and food won, as we got up to go to breakfast.

Afterwards we took another walk around the town and through the park, bumping into our friends Derek and Diego who were doing the same. Then we found ourselves nearing the Theatre and saw our friend Giuseppe outside looking at the fame poster. We went to greet him and he told us Valerie was inside for more rehearsals. Our Friend Franklin joined us and as we were chatting Lee Curreri and Erica Gimpel arrived at the theatre they waved and said hello and we decided we were also going in to watch again. I texted Brian and he was soon on his way too.

Inside I passed Nia and Erica who were talking about the previous nights rehearsal and some of their concerns. Then as we entered the auditorium Valerie was rehearsing "Never Never". She didn't actually rehearse her monologue before it. During the previous nights rehearsals she'd walked around the stage saying key words and mentioning the kind of things she would talk about but didn't do the actual monologue until the concert. 

Soon everyone was on stage except Jesse who turned up a little later. I was so impressed with how professional Erica is as I watched her warming up her voice ready to sing.

They spent a couple of hours rehearsing the none Fame group songs and particularly the harmonies on "Man In The Mirror", "One", "Stairway to Heaven etc... and I have to say how great they sounded. 

There was a discussion about the lighting as some for he cast were concerned that things hadn't come together properly at the previous nights rehearsal. Again there were language barriers.

The cast would come and sit in the stalls when not on stage. Carlo made a point of coming to say hello again and shake our hands. He really is a nice guy.

As the rehearsals came to an end the cast started to leave. Lee wanted to practice "Could we be Magic" one more time and then Erica wanted to get a feel for the piano ready for her own song "Love Stays" and she sounded wonderful.

As they finished Stefano arrived wearing a Fame Reunion T Shirt. At first I thought it was a one off that only he'd got but he soon said they would be on sale at the concert that night and we could go and get ours now. So we rushed off to the lobby to buy one.

I'd already got a Fame T shirt to wear to the concert but one advertising the actual show was even better.

After another exciting exclusive preview of the Reunion Concert came to an end. There was a little time to get some food and relax before the evenings main event would be upon us.

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