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Monday 6 February 2012

Doris Schwartz Time & Again Season 2 Behind the Scenes

As I receive quite a few messages about my fan fiction story “Doris Schwartz time and Again”, I thought I’d write an update on what is happening. I’m not giving away the storyline though, I’m afraid!

I mentioned last year that when I started the story I didn’t know where it was going or what was actually happening, I just wanted to see how things developed.

Well, by the end of season 1 I knew to make things work I needed a to know where I was taking the story so that I could plan ahead and plant seeds of the stories that were to come. So I did just that and developed plan for where the season 3 finale would go and knew the story arc I wanted to take through season 3.

I then worked backwards and started to develop ideas for season 2.
Although, Season 2 did rather take on a life of it’s own as I knew I wanted to save Nicole from dying but this felt should result in consequences and as Danny was the only other main character in the car it seemed he was the natural choice to kill off. Sorry Danny fans! I know some of you were shocked by this but as this is a time travel story that does mean Dead characters can still be part of the story.

The planned 9 episodes quickly grew to 12 as the ideas and drama around the Danny/Nicole events just flowed so I realised that I was going to need more episodes to do the story justice. Originally that storyline was just ment to fill 2 episodes mid way through but as the ideas came and I knew the hospital was going to be a major setting I soon realised that it needed to be the end of the season leading to the finale.

People have asked when we are going to get some answers to what's going on. Please be patient as if I give too much away at once that means the story will be over. The plan is that as season 4 is the final season the episodes there will address what's happening. So we have got a whole season of more mystery to come before we get there. Although the season 3 finale will revisit some of the events that have already happened and link some of them together.

One thing I wanted to did want to do in season 2 was include more music to make the story more Fame like. I'm fully aware that the time travel story is not something people would normally associate with Fame, so I thought including more songs would help with that and not just the Fame songs we already know and love but to create moments where characters could perform other songs. Hopefully that is working and I plan to include more in season 3.

Anyway, I do now know where season 3 is going and have already written some of them and also have a rough plan of how the story will end in season 4 next year.

I have been asked if I will write another story focussing on a different character when this story ends. Well, I will be writing other stories but they will be different to the current time travel mystery as I don’t think I could come up with a similar story for a different character without pretty much repeating myself. So I’ve come up with an idea which I’m calling “Fame duets”, which will be a series but each episode will focus on 2 characters as we catch up with their lives after school but there will be an ongoing thread throughout each episode.

Still that’s all in the future and there's lots more time travel with Doris to come first. New episodes go live later in the year!

As always keep you questions and ideas coming, and keep reading!

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