Site Layout

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Bad News - Deleted Files!

I discovered yesterday that all the files I've uploaded over the last 3 years have been deleted by some unknown source! It looks like someone has hacked into my mediafire account and wiped the lot.

This means that none of the download links will be working on here or the episode guide for any of the previous posts. No video, No music, No magazines, No scripts, absolutely nothing is left! All my time and hard work has gone to waste.

I've emailed mediafire to see if they can help but the likelihood is I'd have to start again re-uploading everything and slowly correcting the links. I’m in the process of moving home so I don’t see how I would have time to do that and to keep the site going with future posts. I guess I'm in shock at the moment that anyone would do that and in my present state of mind I’m not sure I can be bothered to keep things going anyway so that would sadly mean the end of the site.

There are already posts set to go live all the way through to August. Some with videos to watch and interviews to read which will still be okay but anything with a download link won’t work. At the moment I’m not sure whether to let things continue to go live or to cancel them.

In a half hearted attempted to keep things going I have quickly re-uploaded the music posts for the rest of this week so they should work but it soon dawned on me that these posts are a drop in the ocean compared to what has been lost and what is the point keeping the current posts going without having the back catalogue of posts for people to download.

I’m sorry for leaving things up in the air like this and I guess I’m going to have to sleep on things and review the situation at the weekend, when I have more time.

My apologies,



  1. That such a same Mark that this has happened to you. I don't always download a lot but I always enjoy seeing what you've added to the site on a regular basis.

  2. That's awful. I'm so sorry, Mark. Some people are just sick.

  3. Oh Mark, that is really awful. You have put so much work into this wonderful site, and many of us have appreciated it, even if we don't always comment.

    Selfishly, I hope you will find a way to continue with the site, although I totally understand if you decide not to.

    Either way, I want to thank you for all of the hard work over these last few years, and for bringing so much happiness to so many of us.

  4. Hi Mark,

    I was thrilled to find your site for the first time today. I was prompted to look for any websites dedicated to Fame and its cast after having a vivid dream last night and remembering how much I LOVED the show in the 80's. I was eager to find info.

    I can't tell you how sad I am to hear that someone would have done something so terrible. I honestly can't even begin to fathom what goes on in someone's head to actually bring them to do something so malicious. I could only imagine how much work and dedication you have put into this site.

    Please know that I'm sure I am one of many who would be sad to know this site will be no more. Your work is not in vain. Thank you for taking the time to create such a wonderful site for those Fame fans out there!

