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Monday 16 August 2010

Fame Top Ten Things I Love!

Having listed my top ten pet hates on Fame, this week sees the start of a new count down and this time we're looking at the positive aspects of the show with my top ten things I love about Fame.
So at number 10 on my count down is Comedy.

I love any show that can take me on an emotional journey. Something that can make me laugh as well as make me cry and Fame can do that.
When I talking about the comedy on Fame, it's not so much the out and out ridiculous episodes they came up with in the later years like “Mr Wacky’s World” and the supposed comedy of people having pies thrown in their face. (Oh dear what were MGM thinking when thought Fame should be an actual comedy series?)
Instead it's the sharp scripted clever lines that often came so fast you could miss them, comedy that I love. Sometimes it’s only with repeated viewing that some of these hilarious lines come to light.
Actually when the show was trying hard to be funny for instance when Danny was telling jokes or doing a comedy routine I very rarely found that funny but when a character was being serious they would often through some very funny lines into the script and I love that.

We were lucky on Fame that we had a number of very talented and naturally funny actors and the humour would always come out in their performances.

Lee Curreri has talked about how Albert Hague loved his one liners and how funny he can be and whether it was actually the writers or Albert himself this quality is definitely in Shorofsky and he gets away why some great comments.

Valerie seems like a natural with comedy material too and again whether it stemmed from Valerie or the writers, Doris definitely got some great comedy lines too.

A particular favourite of mine is the banter between the older cast members. In the earlier years there were often some great scenes set in the teachers lounge as the teachers play off one another and often with multiple conversations going on. This for me was particularly good when Ken Swofford came on the show and the little arguements and comments Morloch and the other teachers would exchange were great and often accompanied by some great facial expressions too.

Ann Nelson as Mrs Berg was also wonderful and could always be relied upon to deliver some great comedy moments.

Fame wasn’t a comedy despite what MGM may have thought but it certainly knew how to write some really funny feel good character moments and in my opinion the show was all that much better for them

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