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Friday 9 April 2010

My Top Ten Pet Hates On Fame - No 2

At number 2 on my pet hates for Fame is Killing Nicole.

I’m a big fan of Nia and Nicole was one of my favourite characters on the show. Now nobody likes their favourites to leave a show and particularly on Fame where people just disappeared without a word.

Now in the U.K. we didn’t get the season 6 episodes until 1992 and I’d already heard that Nicole was to be killed off in a drink driving accident. I didn’t want one of my favourites to leave in this way but I thought if you have to go that way at least it will be dramatic.

However, the channel showing Fame for some bizarre reason did not show “Go Softly Into Morning” and it was another 4 years before I got a copy of the episode and the copy I had was an American NTSC version and wouldn’t play properly on my PAL video so I tried watching through the fuzz and constantly rolling screen. Although not a particularly pleasant way to watch I got the gist of the story. I have since got a proper copy so I could watch it properly.

I was so very disappointed by the episode as I’d been expecting some dramatic scenes with Nicole on her death bed saying goodbye to her friends and family or at least an action scene where we see the car crash and Nicole being pronounced dead and the instant reaction of the characters she was with. However, Nia isn’t even in the episode and to me that’s the worst way to kill a major character. I wanted the drama and the chance to mourn the character’s passing but killing her off screen just left me in denial thinking she’s not really dead.

I heard there were behind the scenes problems on the show, which is why Nia left and at the same time the writers were struggling to make the drink drive story work. So to me it just seemed like a cheap way to get rid of a character and solve their story problems. I think it was a disservice to Nia, Nicole and to the fans.

The episode itself is fine but everything happening off screen leaves me cold.

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