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Friday 26 March 2010

My Top Ten Pet Hates On Fame - No 3

At Number 3 on my top ten pet hates is Curing Cancer in 45 minutes.

Fame attempted to do stories about a number of issues throughout it's 6 seasons. Some of these stories worked but for me a number of them didn't. I personally don't think the show was the right format to address some of these issue because to do some of the stories justice they needed to run them over a longer period of time. A story across a number of episodes or a whole season. It didn't need to dominate the story just little sceens or snippets of conversation that alerted the viewer to what may come.

One of the worst culprits of this was the season 3 episode "Sheer Will". Now the story in that episode is fine and the episode is written and acted well but for me it's the whole concept of how long a period this episode is supposed to run over. Obviously not that long as it's one of 22 episode for that year.

To me it just feels that this story should have been a story arc for Danny which runs over a number of episodes, where initially we just see him feeling ill but not knowing anything is wrong. Then a few episodes later we have the diagnosis and his reaction to the illness. That main episode would be left on a cliff hanger as we don't know what will happen. Only for the story to be concluded in a future episode when we see him finally in remission.

However, what we actually get is no sooner has he been diagnosed and he's having treatment he's in remission just in time for a song and dance number and the story is never mentioned again!

It's a heavy emotional story but there is no realism to the way it is depicted on screen sadly. In the U.K. the BBC took the decision not to air this episode as they weren't happy with the way the story occurred. At the end of the day cancer is far too serious and important a subject to pretend it can all be wrapped up so quickly.

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