Site Layout

Thursday 14 May 2009

New Layout

I thought I'd change the layout of the blog a little as I wanted some of the items that were always at the bottom of the blog to run down the side for easier access.
This has meant that some of the writing on previous posts is out of sync but I'll look at getting that changed when I have the time.
I've also changed the header and softened the colours and tried to include a picture of all the main stars.
Also there is a media player to play Fame related music. I haven't been able to work out how to add my own MP3s yet so I could only have what was available on the site I'm using. So mainly Irene and Janet but I've added songs by the original artists that were sung on the show.
If anyone has any thoughts and comments then let me know. Thanks for all the support so far and I hope you all continue to enjoy the blog.


  1. i just wanted to say that i love your blog. Im a huge fan of Fame and i became a dancer in shows and musicals in sweden and europe for 10 years thanks to this tv-show.
    have a nice weekend!


  2. Thanks Anna, it's great to hear how Fame inspired you to become a dancer.

    Best Wishes

  3. Brilliant new look, Mark. Makes it really easy to find mp3 that I have missed.

    Thanks again for all your hard work.

  4. Thanks Caroline, it's how I wanted it from the start but have only just worked out how to do it LOL!

  5. Hehe! You are way more clever than me when it comes to computers. LOL!

    Oooh loving the music you've added as we browse. Nice touch!

  6. Thanks Caroline, again it's something I wanted to add from the start but couldn't work it out. All I need now is to find a player that I can load the Fame MP3s on but it all takes time.

  7. You go away and come back to find it all changed!

    Looks brilliant Mark

  8. Love the new look, but have to say I hate the playing of video and music automatically, since when I download an mp3 it automatically plays in ITunes and clashes with what plays on the site when I backtrack (and it doesn't remember that I turned it off). Could you make it a 'turn me on if you want to listen' feature instead?

  9. Hi JF, thanks for your comment and I'm sorry to hear the media player causes you frustrations.

    Basically it's free software and was the first thing I found that worked and sort of did what I wanted. It took me ages to find and set this up and I don't have any real control over it and certainly had no choice in having it automatically play or not. I will look at the site I got it from to see if there is anything I can do.

    It doesn't actually do the job I want it to, so I am looking for a replacement. So if you know of something else I could use then I'm certainly open to any help and advice anyone can offer. Main criteria is that it needs to be free (as I'm poor)and easy to install and use so a novice like me can get my head around it, lol.

    As for video there is only one that plays automatically and that's the Billy Hufsey interview, which is no longer on the main page. I had a few frustrations with the interview repeating myself while I was redesigning the site and it playing every time I checked things.

    However, again I have no control over this as it's not my video and for it to be on the site I just copy the embed codes and there are no options, that I can see to stop it playing. Sorry.

    For the most part 99% of the videos on the site I upload myself or embed from you tube and these don't play automatically so there isn't a problem there.

    Things will change as I get more knowledgeable with what I'm doing and find new things that do the jobs I want.

    Best Wishes
