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Wednesday 26 September 2018

Fame U.K. Reunion The One Show

Fame U.K. Reunion was launched on The One Show  which featured Valerie Landsburg and the producer Sue Hinds in the studio plus yours truly in the film.

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Tuesday 25 September 2018

PR Paul Discusses Satellite

PR Paul Discusses Satellite

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Satellite will have it's first live performance at the Fame U.K. Reunion.

Please go to The Friends of Fame YouTube Page  to Subscribe they are adding some cool videos of the cast promoting the single.

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Not In Kansas Anymore Radio Times Listing 1983

Today’s clipping from Radio Times is the listing for “Not In Kansas Anymore” which was Broadcast on Thursday 15th August 1983 at 8.10pm.

Doris Finds herself in the Land of Oz - Oh My!

Fame U.K. Reunion

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Monday 24 September 2018

U.N Week Radio Times Lisitng 1983

Today’s clipping from Radio Times is the listing for “U.N. Week” which was Broadcast on Thursday 8th August 1983 at 8.10pm.

The Kids Sets Up their own United Nations.

Fame U.K. Reunion

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U.K. Charts 24th September 1983

On the U.K. album chart for 24th September 1983 the Kids From Fame Sing For You album is down to  number 48.

Friday 21 September 2018

Cynthia Gibb Discusses Fame U.K. Reunion 2019

Cynthia Gibb gives an update about the Fame U.K. Reunion Tickets. 

Fame U.K. Reunion

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Ending on a High Note Radio Times Listing 1983

Today’s clipping from Radio Times is the listing for “Ending on a High Note” which was Broadcast on Thursday 1st August 1983 at 8.10pm.

Leroy and Danny Coach a Basketball team.

Fame U.K. Reunion

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Thursday 20 September 2018

Valerie Landsburg Discusses Satellite

Valerie Landsburg Discusses Satellite

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Satellite will have it's first live performance at the Fame U.K. Reunion.

Please go to The Friends of Fame YouTube Page  to Subscribe they are adding some cool videos of the cast promoting the single.

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Sunshine Again Radio Times Listing 1983

Today’s clipping from Radio Times is the listing for “Sunshine Again” which was Broadcast on Thursday 4th August 1983 at 7.40pm.

Fame U.K. Reunion

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Tuesday 18 September 2018

Nia Peeples Discusses Satellite by Friends of Fame

Nia Peeples Discusses Satellite by Friends of Fame

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Satellite will have it's first live performance at the Fame U.K. Reunion.

Please go to The Friends of Fame YouTube Page  to Subscribe they are adding some cool videos of the cast promoting the single.

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Monday 17 September 2018

Help From My Friends - Radio Times Listing 1983

Today’s clipping from Radio Times is the listing for “Help From My Friends” which was Broadcast on Thursday 25th August 1983 at 7.30pm.
Fame U.K. Reunion:

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U.K. Charts 17th September 1983

On the U.K. album chart for 17th September 1983 the Kids From Fame Sing For You album is down to  number 34.

Friday 14 September 2018

Friendship Day Radio Times Listing 1983

Today’s clipping from Radio Times is the listing for “Friendship Day” which was Broadcast on Thursday 24th August 1983 at 7.30pm.
Are Julie and Bruno about to have sex?

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Not In Kansas Anymore - U.K. Broadcast 35th Anniversary - Television of Yore Recap


15th September is the 35th Anniversary of the U.K. Broadcast of "Not In Kansas Anymore."

Here is a witty recap of the episode from TV of Yore Website


This episode is prefaced with an announcement that the opening scenes were filmed in black and white...and then we get the same "dedicated to the young at heart" preamble as is in The Wizard of Oz, which is the first clue that we're in for a superfluous, episode-long dream sequence (fuuuuuuuuuuck). Doris arrives at school carrying a wiggly bundle and enters the dance gym, where a student we've never seen before, Darlene, is rehearsing Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Doris interrupts and snarks that she's supposed to be the one singing this song in the upcoming show - but Miss Sherwood sternly tells her she's out 'cause she failed to turn in her midterm essay. Doris cries, "That's not fair!" and insists she did turn in the essay. She looks pleadingly at Ms. Grant, who just shakes her head and says she has zero desire to lift a finger to help her...and when she turns to Mr. Shorofsky for help, he shrugs disinterestedly and says, "Sorry, Cookie." Doris glares at Miss Sherwood and snaps, "Don't be such a witch!" [yep - foreshadowing alert], and everyone gasps and flees the room. Doris sarcastically thanks Bruno, Leroy, and Danny for their help, and they're just like, "Sucks to be you" and say there's not much they can do if she fails to turn in her work and/or show up to rehearsal on time. Doris opens up the bundle she's been carrying around...and when a cute little terrier pops out, she explains that it's her aunt's dog, Toto, who she's dog-sitting for a week. As Toto scampers about, Doris gets worried he'll be seen by one of the teachers, so she chases after him...and in the process trips over her bag, hits her head, and passes out.

When she regains consciousness, the dance gym is empty - except for Toto. She looks around perplexedly and tells Toto, "I don't think we're in the School of the Arts anymore", then opens the doors and enters a colorized world constructed of paper flowers, silver streamer thingys hanging from the ceiling, and AstroTurf on the floor. She and Toto venture into the hall to explore and are startled by the sound of incessant giggling. A white light suddenly appears in the hall, and Ms. Grant appears, decked out in a white halter dress and a fugly white wig with a tiara on top. She introduces herself to Doris as the Good Witch, then urges the gigglers to show themselves. A dozen or so Fame extras emerge from she shadows, crawling around on their knees, and Good Witch explains to Doris that these faux little people are called punchkins. One of the punchkins shrieks and points to the horrifying sight of stuffed socks with orange sneakers sticking out of the bottom of one of the lockers. Good Witch opens the locker, gasps at what she sees inside, and announces that the Wicked Witch is dead...which then segue ways into a performance of Ding Dong the Witch is Dead. Have I mentioned how much I hate it when TV shows do dream sequence-type episodes??


A puff of smoke suddenly filters in, and a green, witchy version of Miss Sherwood appears. She demands to know what happened to her witch sister, then asks Doris if she did this, and Doris is like, "I don't think so. I just want to be in the show." Witchy Sherwood pronounces that she's never going to be in any show ever (woo hoo!), then eyes the orange sneakers. Good Witch waves her wand, which magically transfers the shoes from the stuffed socks to Doris' feet - and Witchy Sherwood once again vows to prevent Doris from being cast in any of the school's upcoming shows. Good Witch is like, "Oh no you diiin't!" and threatens to splash her with water, and Witchy Sherwood backs away fearfully, then disappears in a green puff of smoke. Poor Toto gets so freaked out by all the weirdness surrounding him that he topples over in a faint. Good Witch advises Doris to consult with the Wizard of Shorofsky in the Kingdom, 'cause he may be able to pull some strings and get her cast in the next show. Doris likes the sound of that, and she and Toto stumble upon a yellow brick road to guide her "journey" ... and - ugh - she breaks into song while skipping on her way.

Doris runs into the Tin Man, Scarecrow, and Lion [aka Bruno, Leroy, and Danny], who are cuddled on a bench together, napping. Doris scrunches her face in confusion and remarks that they're supposed to be introduced to her separately, and Tin Man just kind of shrugs and explains that they wanted to meet the wizard asap, so they decided to "cut out the middle man". Doris is good with that, declares that they're off to see the wizard, and the three skip along the yellow brick road, singing in their wretchedly off-tune voices.


A ratty-haired Julie, who's apparently been the witch's prisoner for the last eight hundred years, is playing an imaginary cello, while monkey-boy Dwight rubs an old TV set for Witchy Sherwood. He squeals, "It's starting to come in!" so Witchy Sherwood rushes over and watches footage of Doris and her three new friends ambling down the hall. She cackles maniacally and says that what these four need is a "field of poison" [I couldn't agree more], then starts shriek-laughing.

Doris and her friends come upon a dark hall...and Lion says he's too scared to continue and turns to flee. Doris urges them to keep moving forward and reminds them that they have no choice but to see this stupid dream sequence episode through. Suddenly, a light in one of the classrooms comes on, and Lion finds a sudden burst of courage and rushes over to explore, then gushes about what a beautiful sight it is. The rest of the group follows, and they all stand in the doorway and look awestruck. Eventually they step inside, intrigued by the simulated poppy field: flowy red and pink sheets being flapped about. The witch watches them on the TV and cackles to her minions about how these fools just fell prey to her poison poppies.


Everyone but Tin Man passes out, and he stares around in bewilderment and moans, "Where's a good witch when you need one?" Good Witch magically appears and conjures up snow flurries to reverse the effects of the poison...and the gang wakes up refreshed and scampers back to the makeshift yellow brick road. When Witchy Sherwood suddenly appears on a bicycle, shrieking at them maniacally, they flee to a room called the Fast Food Jungle - which is filled with chocolate and junk food as far as the eye can see. The managed to resist gobbling down the treats, then encounter monsters cloaked in brown...and after wrestling with them for several minutes, they escape back to the yellow brick road and finally reach the auditorium. Phew!

Mr. Reardon opens the top half of a half door to see who's knocking, and Doris announces that she and her friends need to see the wizard. After some tedious back and forth, he lets the group inside. Witchy Sherwood is enraged at this latest development and vows to keep Doris out of any upcoming shows (hurray!), then laughs maniacally again.

The Wizard of Shorofsky is pretending to play a large piano that automatically plays songs via a coin dispenser. When Doris asks whassup with him fake playing the instrument, he says it's easier than actually knowing how to play, but assures her that he is, in fact, capable of performing miracles. He asks what he can do for them, so Tin Man, Scarecrow, and Lion dance around, singing about the stuff they each want: heart, brain, courage, decent singing voices.


The wizard consults with Mr. Reardon and says he's not sure he really wants to help this band of idiots. Doris says she doesn't need a brain, heart, or courage - only to be in the upcoming show. The wizard asks her why she wants that so badly...and Doris stares at him blankly, then shrugs and says, "Everybody likes to be in the show" and the wizard and Mr. Reardon retort, "We don't."

Witchy Sherwood is beating Dwight for asking too many pesky questions, which is awesome.

Doris takes the stage in the auditorium and explains in painful detail why she loooooves being cast in shows, blahdy blah..

Witchy Sherwood arrives in the lobby with Julie and Dwight in tow to launch her nefarious revenge plot against Doris.

Doris is bowing and blowing kisses to an imaginary audience, explaining to the wizard how great it feels to be adored by people - but the wizard looks unimpressed and tells her to go pee up a rope. Haha! Suck on it, Doris.

Julie starts playing an imaginary cello - the purpose being to cast a nasty spell on Doris. I guess I can buy that.

Toto hears the fake cello music and scampers into the hall to investigate...and Doris gets alarmed and chases after him. She finds him, picks him up and cuddles him...then stares up fearfully as Witchy Sherwood looms over her and growls, "Hello, dearie." Eeeek!


Toto has been placed in a tiny cage, while Doris sits next to Darlene, who's dressed like she's one of the witch's guards. The witch orders Doris to take off the orange sneakers, and when Doris refuses, the witch summons her guards...and their arrival degenerates into a dance number, in which Tin Man, Scarecrow, and Lion secretly perform. The witch tells Doris that her guards are cruel and sadistic, and that she has exactly ten seconds to hand over the shoes. Scarecrow, meanwhile, urges Julie to make a run for it while the witch isn't looking...and she wisely takes his advice and flees. Lion warns the witch not to hurt Doris...and his outburst prompts her to set fire to Scarecrow. Tin Man grabs the nearest fire extinguisher and sprays him down and accidentally gets some of it on the witch...and as she starts shrieking, everyone watches in fascinated horror as she melts into a smoldering pile of ashes. Darlene cheers, "We're free at last!" and everyone else woots happily.

The Wizard of Shorofsky tells Doris she did good, then awards medallions to Tin Man, Scarecrow, and Lion as the punchkins cheer. Good Witch appears out of nowhere and tells Doris she never actually needed anyone's help trying to figure out why she liked being cast in shows so much...and Doris says it eventually dawned on her that she should probably want to perform in shows for the audience's enjoyment, not just her own. After that, the two start singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

The wizard asks Doris if she's ready to go back to black and white world...and when Doris says she is, he instructs her to close her eyes and click her heels together three times.

In the next scene, Doris is getting her temperature taken by Mrs. Berg, and Mr. Reardon is assuring her that she'll be OK. Doris looks around in bewilderment, then says hey to the students and faculty who are all standing around gaping at her. Miss Sherwood apologizes for being such a witch to her earlier - and Doris assures her that all is forgiven, and that she had to sort out some personal truths. She leaps up, hugs Bruno, Leroy, and Danny, then scampers out the hall, gushing to everyone about how happy she is to be back. She screeches, "I loooove this place!" then picks up Toto and cuddles him while everyone around her beams.

Thursday 13 September 2018

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Star Quality Radio Times Listing

Today’s clipping from Radio Times is the listing for “Star Quality” which was Broadcast on Thursday 28th July 1983 at 8.10pm.
Leroy is in trouble with his school work again and becomes friends with a kid who wants to dance like Leroy.

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Blood, Sweat and Circuits Radio Times Listing 1983

Today’s clipping from Radio Times is the listing for “Blood, Sweat and Circuits” which was Broadcast on Thursday 18th August 1983 at 7.25pm.
Mrs Berg is going to be replaced by a Computer. Script written by Lee Curreri.

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Not In Kansas Anymore - Italian TV Guide

Not In Kansas Anymore - Italian TV Guide

Tuesday 11 September 2018

U.N. Week - U.K. 35th Anniversary - TV of Yore Recap


8th September is the 35th Anniversary of the U.K. Broadcast of "U.N. Week."

Here is a witty recap of the episode from TV of Yore Website


Ms. Grant is presiding over her dance class as the students leap and twirl to Russian inspired music. Mr. Reardon enters the dance gym and asks Ms. Grant if she has a minute to talk, and she snaps, "No!" then apologizes and tells him she's too busy overseeing the rehearsal for the upcoming UN Week festivities. He tells her it can wait until lunch, then leans in and kisses her cheek and says he's looking forward to seeing her later. The students are all, "Mmm hmm.." and start tittering about the odd teacher-on-teacher PDA they just witnessed.

Mr. Cannon, a teacher from Edison High School, smugly tells Mr. Shorofsky that his students focus primarily on academics and do performing arts related stuff on the side - which is the polar opposite of how the School of the Arts flunkies spend their time. Mr. Shorofsky says that that's an insult to the Fame kids and manages to keep a straight face when he insists that they're all receiving an excellent, well-rounded education. Mrs. Berg pops into the office and announces that the Edison students are beginning to arrive.

The well dressed, smart looking Edison students stream inside the school in an orderly fashion. Mrs. Berg gives them an official welcome, then instructs them to head over to the cafeteria to receive their national assignments. Doris walks behind a group of Edison students and, like the moronic tool she is, mimics one of the girl's hand gestures...and the Edison girl flails her arm as she talks to her friend and accidentally smacks Danny. He sarcastically tells her he's super fascinated with her story about "yachting with papá", and she snaps back that he's probably just excited to listen to a young person who's capable of stringing several coherent sentences together. Haha! Coco gets in on that action and demands to know whassup with her sassy 'tude. Danny gets all in the sassy gal's face and says if she were a guy he'd deck her for ridiculing his brazen idiocy, and she smirkingly replies, "I bet you would have" then saunters off.


To kick off UN Week, all of the students pick country names out of a hat. Leroy gets Russia, Doris gets India, and Danny gets Italy. Danny's thrilled to represent his ancestral homeland - but is bummed when he learns that the other Italian delegate is Alicia, the girl he just snarked at in the hall.

Danny puffs up his little chest and proudly informs Alicia that his grandfather is Italian. She asks him if he's ever been to Italy or knows how to speak Italian...and when he's like, "No and no", she boasts that she spent the last three summers in Italy and can speak a bit of the language. She chides him for behaving, in general, like an insecure douchewad and says she heard that the School of the Arts kids are flakes who will likely act out 'cause of how intimated they'd be by an event like UN Week. Miss Sherwood suddenly interjects and informs the two that they've been assigned to act as co-chairs for the faux UN Assembly. Danny does not look thrilled.

Over in a diner, Mr. Reardon tells Ms. Grant he's auditioning for a musical...and that he's terrified about all the singing and dancing it's going to entail. Ms. Grant assures him he'll be fine, then takes that back when she realizes she's never actually seen him perform on stage and offers to teach him a few simple dance steps. Miss Sherwood appears and joins their table, and wryly tells them that UN Week is not going so well partly 'cause Mr. Shorofsky and Mr. Cannon are constantly at each other's throats. Cue Mr. Shorofsky, who lumbers over looking grim. When his colleagues ask him how things are going, he responds by mutely throwing several darts and getting them all in the bulls-eye part of the dart board...then quietly lumbers back out. Hee!

In the dance gym, Ms. Grant is helping Mr. Reardon rehearse lines for the audition. He holds her hand while he acts out what looks to be a tender love scene...and at that moment, Doris happens to walk by, peers at them through the window, and understandably misinterprets what she's looking at. 


Dwight is playing the sousaphone in one of the music rooms when he notices a female version of himself - a She-Dwight from Edison High School - staring at him through the window. He likes what he sees and invites her in, and she flirtily compliments his sousaphoning. He tells her he's been tasked with providing the entertainment for the assembly recess, and she asks him if he'd like to do it as a duet with her, then says she also plays the sousaphone. Dwight is giddy with delight at the implausible coincidence, and eagerly gives her his music sheets so that the two of them can practice together.

Mrs. Berg gushes to Mr. Shorofsky about how there's always something wonderful and mature in the air during UN Week...but then, a few seconds later, they step into the cafeteria and find the students throwing paper airplanes at each other while Alicia desperate tries to restore order. Womp womp! Danny gives up on the chaos and stomps out of the room.

Coco and Julie are hanging in the dressing room, sharing their philosophies of taking on roles...blah blah. Danny bursts in and snarks that he doesn't want to talk about anything related to UN Week...but then a few seconds later, Alicia enters the room and explains that Bruno told her that this is where students like to hide when trying to avoid participating in pointless shit like UN Week. Danny says he has no desire to go back to the UN Assembly 'cause it's boring and harps on mind-numbing stuff like trade agreements. Alicia mulls that over and suggests that they bring up a quasi-interesting human rights issue - like, for example, the sad plight of Ilsa, the East German ballerina who's currently trying to defect to the United States. When no one points out that it's not actually part of the UN's mandate to weigh in on an individual's emigration situation, Coco perks up and says she'd loooove to play the part of Ilsa, then gaily scampers out of the room to seize the role for herself.

Mr. Reardon demonstrates for Ms. Grant the dance steps he's been practicing. Danny walks by the dance gym at that moment, sees him twirl Ms. Grant around, and - like Doris before him - understandably misinterprets what he's looking at. 

At the faux UN Assembly, Coco (who's playing the role of Ilsa) is being grilled by the UN delegates. Some accuse her of being unpatriotic or seeking to get rich in the West, while Bruno (The Netherlands) bloviates about how borders are meaningless to artists like Ilsa, and that she should be able to live wherever she wants. Well d'yuh, but then so should everyone living under a shitty, totalitarian regime. She-Dwight, who's supposed to be taking notes during the Assembly, has left a tape player on and ditched her post in order to practice the sousaphone for the upcoming duet. Dwight tells her she plays very well, and that she could totally get into the School of the Arts if she auditioned. Considering that Danny somehow got accepted, I'm sure he's right 'bout that. She-Dwight says she'd love to attend school with him, and the two dorks stare into each other's eyes and lean in and kiss...and then kiss again. Soak it up, Dwight.


​Miss Sherwood bursts into the teachers' lounge and rails about how annoying Mr. Cannon is for constantly making fun of how badly the academics at the School of the Arts suck. When Mr. Reardon tells her to not be so insecure, she smugly tells him that Mr. Cannon also made a comment about him hitting the sheets with Ms. Grant. Mr. Reardon and Ms. Grant are all, "Wha-a?!" so Miss Sherwood says that tales of their togetherness are all over school. Ms. Grant explains that she's been helping Mr. Reardon prepare for a musical audition...and, I noticed, leaves out the part where he tenderly kissed her cheek in full view of Ms. Grant's dance class for no logical reason. Mr. Shorofsky advises them to have a fake fight to end their fake affair, and the two mull that over and decide that that idea might just be crazy enough to work!

Miss Sherwood asks her English class students what they think of UN Week so far. Julie says that running the world isn't as easy as it looks, and Coco says the UN is all about taking risks, which is probably something that will help her in her showbiz career after she graduates. Danny, however, grumbles that the dumb thing should be called off 'cause they're just [twenty-something] kids who shouldn't be burdened with adult problems. He also thinks that the Fame kids are way too inept to host an event like UN Week and suggests that the snooty brainiacs from Edison High School host it from now on. I second that. Miss Sherwood sternly retorts that she works just as hard at teaching English as any teacher from Edison, and that a passing grade in her class means something...and by something she means not a hell of a lot, 'cause based on the bits of her curriculum I've seen thus far, there's nothing about her English class that screams high standards.

Ms. Grant is dancing along with her students to some boring muzak when Mr. Reardon storms into the dance gym. He fake yells at her about how he's never been so humiliated, and she implores him to not air their dirty laundry in front of the class. The two idiots continue to bicker in front of the students, and Ms. Grant tries not to laugh as he "breaks up" with her via a dramatic goodbye. Well done, you two. Very convincing.

Danny tells Alicia that Coco (Ilsa) is taking a figurative beating from the fake UN delegates. Alicia breezily says, "She's fine" - but Danny disagrees and says that students at the School of the Arts care for each other, even while they're engaged in implausible UN type role playing.

Coco is weeping in the dressing room when Danny enters. He snaps, "That's it!" and says that for the sake of her mental health, she needs to stop portraying Ilsa. Coco sniffles, insists on carrying on, and says she's learning a lot from this faux role. Danny tells her she's paying too high a price, and sniffling far too much about her fictional much so that her friends are starting to worry about her. A defiant Coco responds by tying a scarf around her head (I'm guessing to look more East German, ballerina-like...or both) and slips back into character.

Mr. Reardon and Ms. Grant cackle to each other in the hall about how hilarious their inappropriate faux argument in front of the class was. She then informs him that he's been cast in the upcoming school production, and that the casting director he plans to audition for is welcome to stop by and get a feel for what he can do...'cause, yeah, that really sounds like the type of the thing a busy New York casting director would be interested in doing.

Mr. Reardon is on stage, performing some sort of period piece with backup dancers that goes on for a loooong fuuuuuuucking time. The casting director, who somehow found time in his busy schedule to attend, asks Mr. Reardon if the backup dancers are part of the package. He's like, "Uh. No" so then the casting director sternly replies, "We've got a problem" then leaves without explaining exactly what he meant by that. 


Coco is mentally psyching herself up for her final statement to the fake UN Assembly. Mr. Shorofsky happens to pass by at that moment and advises her to think about what she wants, then stand up for herself by asking for it. She stares contemplatively into space as she mulls that over.

Kelly (China) argues that East Germany put in the time and resources to develop Ilsa into the superb ballerina she is today - but Coco (Ilsa) interjects and says she's not just an artist, she's a person. She argues that she shouldn't be forced to live where she doesn't want to, and shouldn't suffer because of a border on a map. After begging to be allowed to remain in the United States, the UN delegates solemnly cast their votes.


Ms. Grant and Mr. Reardon are hanging out at the diner again when Miss Sherwood arrives with Mr. Cannon. She explains that they declared a truce...then breaks the sad news that the real life Ilsa was sent back to East Germany this morning. [Chin up, Ilsa! Five years from now, East Germany will be absorbed into West Germany and you can do your ballerina-ing wherever you wish.] A few seconds later, Mr. Shorofsky arrives to deliver the faux UN decision on the matter: Coco (Ilsa) has been given asylum in the United States. Woo hoo! Miss Sherwood wryly says, "Too bad Ilsa didn't go to the School of the Arts" while Mr. Cannon haughtily says that the kids got it ass-backwards wrong. Mr. Shorofsky argues that they're just trying to run things a different way, i.e. caring about the world and each other. Miss Sherwood raises her class and toasts the empathy of the fake UN delegates.

And that's a wrap for Season 2! And an end to the recappable Fame episodes on DVD.   :(

Relationships Radio Times Listing

Today’s clipping from Radio Times is the listing for “Relationships” which was Broadcast on Thursday 21st July 1983 at 8.10pm.
Doris gets her first proper boyfriend in the form of hunky cowboy Will but it will all end in tears!
Would you have liked to see Doris continue with her relationship rather than Will be murdered at the end?
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Love is the Question - Radio Times Listing 1983

Today’s clipping from Radio Times is the listing for “Love Is The Question” which was Broadcast on Thursday 11th August 1983 at 7.40pm.

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Monday 10 September 2018

U.K. Charts 10th September 1983

On the U.K. album chart for 10th September 1983 the Kids From Fame Live album and The Kids from Fame Songs album have left the charts never to return! Leaving the Kids from Fame Sing For You album as the only album on the chart, down one place at  number 29.

Friday 7 September 2018

The Story Behind Satellite by Friends of Fame

In 2017, P.R. Paul was asked to participate in a concert to benefit the Actor's Fund in Los Angeles with his Fame cast mates. He had such a great time reconnecting & performing with everybody that it gave him the idea to create a music video for a song called "Satellite" that he co-wrote with his writing partner, Ralph Stevens. 

P.R. pitched the idea to his Fame cast mates and they all agreed. He also asked Valerie Landsburg to direct and she jumped on board. The music video is a not-for-profit project that will benefit two youth-centered charity organizations (one for at-risk teens in Nashville called StreetSolid and another one that provides music education for students of all backgrounds called The Maine Youth Rock Orchestra). 

Once their cast mates were on board, Val and P.R. were faced with the logistical issue of having everyone live in different cities. Val is a fan of the "Playing For Change" videos so she conceptualized the idea of recording everyone singing the song live to track in their respective home towns. Doing this would also allow Fame fans a small glimpse into the cast's respective personal environments. All cast members agreed and went to work.

The reason behind why P.R. decided to embark on this project is interesting. P.R. was very close to his father, Alvin Rosenbaum. When Alvin passed in 1989, P.R. decided to take over the family business his father worked so hard to establish (a boutique in a beach resort town in Fire Island, NY). He semi-retired from acting as it wasn't possible to serve two masters. 

In 2007, out of nowhere and with no symptoms, P.R. was diagnosed with Stage 4 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. After 6 months of intense treatments, he worked for 2 more years with the mindset of wrapping up and selling the business, which he did in 2010. P.R. wanted to downgrade stress in his life and savor his newfound lease on life.  He went back to first love - acting, writing music, etc.

P.R. knew that he experienced nothing short of a miracle with his healing. He strongly felt that his gratitude for life and all the bounties he has been gifted with MUST be passed on. Valerie and his other Fame cast mates also feel incredibly blessed and giving back to the community is important to all of them. 

This is how and why the 'Satellite' project came to be.
Buy Satellite on Amazon
Buy Satellite on iTunes 

Thursday 6 September 2018

NEW SINGLE - Satellite - Friends of Fame

As well as the U.K. Reunion Concerts and Convention the other amazing news is that the cast have recorded a new single and video!

Twenty One years after they last recorded together for the "Fame" final episode we have a single!

This is absolutely fantastic news. It is released under the name "Friends of Fame" and is available now!

The song "Satellite" is written by PR Paul and Ralph Stevens.

Friends of Fame include:
Jesse Borrego, Lee Curreri, Cynthia Gibb, Erica Gimpel, Carlo Imperato, Valerie Landsburg, PR Paul and Nia Peeples.

The Video is directed by Valerie Landsburg and produced by Valerie Landsburg, P.R. Paul and Ralph Stevens.

Buy the Single now

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Satellite will have it's first live performance at the Fame U.K. Reunion.

Please go to The Friends of Fame YouTube Page  to Subscribe they are adding some cool videos of the cast promoting the single.

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U.K. Reunion - Fame Family Experience - Tickets on Sale

  Dance, Sing, Eat, Socialise, Laugh, Fame Fun

One of the most wonderful aspects of any "Fame" Reunion is meeting the other fans. Like minded people who share your love of Fame.  People who know exactly what you are talking about when you mention the fine detail of your favourite episodes.  People who are  equally excited by even the slightest glimpse of your favourite "Fame" stars. People who are equally willing to make fools of themselves as you re-create dance moves in the street. People you just want to talk to all night; People who understand and share your tears because it all means as much to them as it does to you.  These People will become as close as brothers and sisters.  They will become part of your Family.   These are the People you will meet at the Fame U.K. Family Experience who will share this ride of a lifetime.  

 So What exactly is the Fame Family Experience? Well we have come up with a packed itinerary of fun Fame Events  to keep fans  busy for the  whole bank holiday weekend, fitted in around the 2 Reunion Concerts and the VIP package events.  To kick things off there's the Ultimate Fame party to welcome everyone, where we can sing and dance the night away to all the Fame songs we know and love.

There is a packed convention type day of events with a cast Q&A where you get to ask our 8 Fame stars everything you've ever wanted to know! We have a Fame Pub Quiz where we test your knowledge on the show and it's cast. Plus there will be a Q&A with people who know the cast the best and some very Special Guests. 

There will be Exclusive recorded messages and Q&As from some of the cast and dancers who can't actually be with us in person .  There's a Merchandise auction, raffle and the premiere of a new Fame Fan Documentary, detailing why Fame is still so important to its legion of fans after all these years.  The final day will end with farewell meal before we head to the final concert and there will also be a free dancing in the streets event, open to everyone, where we will be making a video to show the cast! 

Full Events Itinerary

Saturday 4th May 2019 - 7.30pm to 1.00am - Holiday Inn Liverpool

                       COME JOIN THE PARTY  -  WELCOME NIGHT


It's Showtime at The Ultimate Fame Party with DJ/Host/Actor/Musician and Fame Fan Tom Urie at the helm as he Blasts The Music  and we show our Body Language on the L.E.D dance floor.  You'll be Dancing Endlessly to all those "Fame" classic songs we all know and love but they never play at any other DISCO!.


Dress Up and have your photo taken in front of the Magic mirror as a keep sake of this magical night. A Buffet spread will be provided and the Bar will be open for you to purchase your drinks. Hopefully a couple of the Fame cast members will come and join us.

We'll end the Evening as we sing a long to a couple of Fame Songs before we go off happily in to the night.

 Sunday 5th May 2019 - 10.00am to 5.30pm - Holiday Inn Liverpool
                        THE SHOW MUST GO ON -  EVENTS DAY


We're on Dream Street as we go From Strength To Strength with a jam packed day of Fame fun and madness. The 8 Fame U.K. Cast Members will be joining us for a one hour Question and Answer session, hosted by the wonderful Tom Urie; Where you can ask everything you've ever wanted to know. (VIP Ticket holders will have seats in the front  row and will be guaranteed time to ask their question.  Time allowing other questions will be chosen randomly). 


Other Cast members and dancers who  can't be present in the U.K. will be sending  recorded messages and some will be answering questions that fans will have already submitted.​ Plus some very Special Guests will be joining us (To be announced).


We'll get a chance to ask  some special guests, questions about cast. These will be the people who know the cast the best, partners, parents and children of our beloved Fame stars.

We'll also have the Premiere of a brand new Fan Documentary film made and directed by Myles Thompson as he tries to discover  exactly what makes Fame so loved by it's army of fans.

"And The Winner Is?" Are you the biggest Fame fan ever? We'll end the day with a Fame Team Quiz. Join a team and Test your knowledge against all the other teams as we see who will light up the sky like a flame!

A buffet lunch will be included and special merchandise will be on sale throughout the day.  If you're Lucky enough for Two, there will also be special prizes available for people to win.  

Just when you think it's all over, the excitement will actually only just be starting. Have you bought  your tickets for the Fame U.K. Reunion Concert?  


Monday 6th May 2019 - 12.00pm to 2.00pm - Holiday Inn Liverpool


                           LIFE IS A CELEBRATION -  GOODBYE MEAL

It's Better With A Friend as we sit down one final time with old friends and new ones we've made; we'll raise a glass and share a 2 course meal, in anticipation of the final concert later that afternoon. We'll reflect on the wonderful times we've shared together over the last few days and look forward to the magic ahead.  The end may be in sight but we'll carry with us all "Love and hope". We'll laugh, maybe even shed a few tears as It dawns on us that those dreams that we dared to dream really have come true and that this really is A Very Special Place. 

Earlybird Tickets Cost:

 £150.00 pounds  for the VIP  Super Fan package,

giving front row seats for the Q&A events and a guaranteed opportunity to ask one question at the cast Q&A.   

 £125.00 for the Fame Fan package. 


Prices increase to £160.00 (for Super Fan package) and £135.00 (for Fame Fan package) from November 6th 2018. 

                   BUY TICKETS

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