Site Layout

Thursday 31 March 2011

Nia Peeples Behind the Scenes of Pretty Little Liars

Nia Peeples behind the scenes at "Pretty Little Liars"

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Lee Curreri Look In Magazine Fact File 1983

Lee Curreri Look In Magazine Fact File 1983. for some reason Lee's birthdate is incorrect!

To read the article click the link below:

Naturi Naughton Ed Magik TV Interview

Naturi Naughton Interview with Ed Magik TV.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Erica Gimpel On the Cosby Show

Erica Gimpel guest starred on the Cosby Show, season 4 episode Waterworks.

Monday 28 March 2011

Michael Cerveris Uncensored Interviews Part 4

Final Part of the Michael cerveris Interviews on "Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant"

Click below to watch the interviews:

Friday 25 March 2011

Happy Birthday To US!

I can't believe it's 2 years ago that I first started Kids From Fame Media and we're still going strong today, but it's true!

So Happy Birthday to us and thank you for all you continued support. Here's to the next 2 years!
To make it easier to locate the MP3s we now have an alphabetical list of the MP3s available to download, to save people having to plough through all the old posts.
To access the page go to the top of the right side of the blog where you'll find the site layout section, then Click on the MP3 Download list.
It currently only contains the Fame songs and not the non Fame MP3s I've posted but should make things easier. I'll try to keep it as updated as I can. If anyone has any problems with the links please contact me and I'll try to sort them out.

Fan Fiction Poll Nicole Vs Will

I'm currently working on season 2 of my Fan Fiction story "Doris Schwartz Time and Again". One of the stories will find Doris at the scene of the death of one her friends, either Nicole or Cowboy Will (Doris' boyfriend in season 2).

Doris will fight to stop her friend from dying. Whether she is successful we'll have to wait and see. I have a story idea for both Nicole and Will but this is where you come in. You can decide which story you prefer to read. Either Doris trying to save Nicole from her fatal car crash or Will being killed by the mugger trying to steal his guitar. So vote now for who you want to live!

Doris Gets the chance to save a friend from dying! Who should she save Nicole or Will? You decide!
Will free polls

Thursday 24 March 2011

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Fame Top Ten Things I Love No 1!

Finally we've reached the Number One spot on my Count down of the things I love about the show. At number one is Equality!

To me, one of the most important messages that the show put out was “We’re all the same”. We had many episodes dealing with prejudice of various kinds whether it be on the grounds of race, colour, disability etc and the show gave a clear message that it was wrong.

This was a message that was constantly reinforced though out the 6 seasons the show ran for but not just in the stories but in real life too. It was important to me that the show had a strong mix of main characters of different cultures, ages and races. At the time American shows would often have a token black cast member, who in terms of air time and storylines were often neglected and were only there to support the white characters. Fame was different; right from the start virtually a 3rd of the cast was not white. These main characters were backed by the numerous black dancers too.
The important thing with “Fame” was that the black characters were all so strongly written and were equally leading the show along with the white characters. For me it was the first time that people of all races and backgrounds were given an equal chance to shine.

Although some of the episodes on disability aren’t my favourites, the stories on racial discrimination are amongst the best Fame episode made. I always remember the scenes in season 2’s “Beginnings” as the characters stood up in protest against the racist ballet teacher and I wanted to be stood up with them too.

With people like Debbie Allen such a strong guiding force behind the cameras too it felt that the messages that the show was giving were how the cast and crew really felt.

It was important to me that one of my very favourite things, not only had a thinking and belief system that was similar but also helped me develop further my own thinking on certain topics too.

Although at the time the show was originally broadcast I hadn’t come to terms with my own sexuality I felt that I would be accepted by the people on the show. Even though I knew I was different, I felt sure those differences wouldn’t matter with these people and characters who felt like family to me.

The lyrics to the season 3 song “We’re all the same, in so many different ways..” just say it all for me.

All of my top ten items added together made Fame a totally unique show to watch and be a part of and I feel my life has been some much richer because of that.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Michael Cerveris Uncensored Interviews Part 3

Further Michael Cerveris Interviews on "Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant"

Click below to watch the interviews:

Monday 21 March 2011

Happy Birthday David Greenlee

Happy Belated 51st Birthday to David Greenlee for Saturday 19th March.

Friday 18 March 2011

Happy Birthday Irene Cara!

Happy 52nd Birthday to Irene Cara!

Thursday 17 March 2011

Lori Singer Q&A with Caffeinated Clint 2010

Lori Singer Q&A interview with Caffeinated Clint discussing the role of Ariel in the movien "Footloose".

To read the interview Click the link below:

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Fame Top Ten Things I Love No 2!

At Number 2 on my Top Ten things I love about Fame is Family and Friendship:

The characters on Fame always seemed to be the best of Friends. Sure they’d have disagreements and would fall out but would always make things up again. Even when people were from completely different backgrounds and had nothing in common, some how there always seemed like a genuine connection.

For the most part the cast really did become friends too. We’ve seen them in the reunions since and everyone really does seem happy to see each other. They became like a family on the show and off.

I think, certainly that feeling of family was one of the things that made a connection with me. At an unhappy time in my life I was looking for something to connect to and be a part of and fame filled that need. The cast and the characters became my family.

That spilled over into real life to when I started to meet other fame fans and we became really good friends because of the show. Some of which I’ve been friends with for best part of 20 years. That is one of the things that I love about doing this website is that I get a chance to talk to fans from all over the World and the opportunity to make new friends.

Monday 14 March 2011

Friday 11 March 2011

Michael Delorenzo On and On

"On and On" is performed by Michael Delorenzo and comes from his solo album.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Nia Peeples Just Sing

"Just Sing" Performed by Nia Peeples comes from Nia's "Street of Dreams" single.

To download the MP3 click the link below:

Eric Pierpoint Get Critical Interview 1997

Eric Pierpoint Interview from 1997 discussing his career on sci fi shows like Alien Nation and Star Trek.

Read Interview 

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Cynthia Gibb CT Post Interview 2011

Cynthia Gibb attended the screening of "Stand By Me" at Westport Arts Center In January to talk to young people about Careers in showbusiness. posted an interview with Cynthia.

Step Up To The Mike Cover Version

"Step Up To The Mike" Cover Version performed by the D Dance School.

To download the MP3 click the link below:

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Happy Birthday Loretta Chandler

Happy 48th Birthday to Loretta Chandler.

Monday 7 March 2011

Gene Anthony Ray 2003 Independent Obituary Article

Obituary Article on Gene Anthony Ray from U.K. newspaper the Independent 2003.

To read the article click the link below:

Fame Edson Pride Mix

"Fame" Edson Pride Addicted Mix performed By Bill Bennet featuring Suzanne Palmer.

To download the MP3 click the link below:

Friday 4 March 2011

Michael Cerveris Uncensored Interviews Part 1

Michael Cerveris interviews discussing various topics about "Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant":

To watch the interviews click the link below:

Night Moves - Jesse Borrego

"Night Moves" is written by Bob Seager and is performed by Jesse Borrego in the Season 6 episode "Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore".

Thursday 3 March 2011

Fame Top Ten Things I Love No 3!

At Number 3 on my Top Ten things I love about Fame is Inspiration / Belief In Yourself.

Fame showed us a group of young people struggling to make their dreams come true and finding their place in the World. These people weren’t always the most perfect, or most intelligent, or best looking or thinnest people and some times they weren’t even the most talented at certain things.

However they did always have a strong belief in themselves. This sometimes wavered depending what they may have been going through at any particular time but on the whole they were positive and believed that some day they would make it in their chosen careers.

I think that the fact that the characters weren’t all perfect was important because it gave hope to the viewers, who maybe didn’t feel they were perfect either. These characters became role models to us all and helped us believed that we too could achieve whatever it was we wanted in life.

I felt like an awkward, shy teenager and I certainly never wanted to be a performer of any kind but watching and loving the show certainly gave me confidence and a belief in myself. A confidence that one day my life would improve and that I didn’t have to be perfect to be happy. Having that belief, sometimes is half the battle won.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Fame News!

March is a month to party as Kids From Fame Media Celebrates it's 2nd birthday on the 25th. Look out for some party music downloads towards the end of the month, along with our usual mix of interview, episodes and other Fame goodies.

The episode of the month is "Best Buddies" from season 6 and posts for that start on Monday.
Good News for our American Friends, Ovation TV (the network devoted to arts culture) will begin its 48-episode “Fame-athon” by airing seasons four and five of the series. The series will premiere on Ovation on Monday, March 21st and will feature two consecutive episodes from 6:00pm to 8:00pm ET each weekday night with repeats airing throughout the weekend. They are also running a Fame competition. For more details go to their website at:

Have a great Month!

Debbie Allen Tribute

Debbie Allen tribute video!

Billy Hufsey Johnny B Good

Johnny B Good is performed by Billy Hufsey and comes from his live album.

To download the MP3 click the link below: